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Hellbound New Mate To Cute As You Greyhound


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Hellbound mated Rich and Amanda lovely Greyhound bitch Cute as you today :thumbsup: pups due 6 of june !! Cute as you also mother to Soul 2 Soul and Brookhill Maggie !! good luck Rich and Amanda :luck:
will that make pups 3/4 greyhound x 1/4 whippet-------whats the rules on these pups, are they eligible to race non ped ?????, cos i might be interested in 1 ---stuart
the pups will be 1/2 greyhound and fine to run in bwra as long as they stay under 55lb and seeing the greyhound raced at 48lb dont see them making over 55lb if your after 1 you shound get your name down quick :thumbsup:
the pups will be 1/2 greyhound and fine to run in bwra as long as they stay under 55lb and seeing the greyhound raced at 48lb dont see them making over 55lb if your after 1 you shound get your name down quick :thumbsup:

as above ??? if hellbound 1/2 grey x 1/2 whippet x cute as you ( pure bred greyhound) surely that makes them 3/4 g x 1/4 w-----------looked at the database , seen theres blanks in the pedigrees ,on both sides ???? pure grey blood there ??,---still make them 1/2 x 1/2 how ?? just interested
best of luck with the lining,Yvonne and Amanda i will watch these with interest :thumbsup:
:luck: to all concerned, Hellbound and streisand are out of Spell bound and S :)) eagars not a greyhound, you would have to go back 3 generations to Springsteen who was half greyhound, l hope that answers your question.
Glad everything went well Yvonne :thumbsup: Yippee my mates are coming back racing :D Best of :luck: Rich and Mand.With what Danny and Rich's bitch as already thrown,wont belong before they're snapped up :thumbsup:
Good luck to all concerned rup rch Molly mate sister to soul to soul as well very underated bitch from fordhambridge area only beat few length at champs owners don't travel with her but should be good litter :thumbsup:
:luck: to all concerned, Hellbound and streisand are out of Spell bound and S :)) eagars not a greyhound, you would have to go back 3 generations to Springsteen who was half greyhound, l hope that answers your question.
i'm intrigued by this , but wish the new owners all the best--- my point being , when and where do you introduce a new greyhound gene into the gene pool as when you do , you'll also need to use a pure whippet , not a non ped , dog or bitch , as theyd becom 3/4 bred greys, not allowed to race 3/4 breds
the pups will be 1/2 greyhound and fine to run in bwra as long as they stay under 55lb and seeing the greyhound raced at 48lb dont see them making over 55lb if your after 1 you shound get your name down quick :thumbsup:

as above ??? if hellbound 1/2 grey x 1/2 whippet x cute as you ( pure bred greyhound) surely that makes them 3/4 g x 1/4 w-----------looked at the database , seen theres blanks in the pedigrees ,on both sides ???? pure grey blood there ??,---still make them 1/2 x 1/2 how ?? just interested

so where in his breeding as it said hes 1/2 greyhound then ?? you must be looking at the wrong breeding
the pups will be 1/2 greyhound and fine to run in bwra as long as they stay under 55lb and seeing the greyhound raced at 48lb dont see them making over 55lb if your after 1 you shound get your name down quick :thumbsup:

as above ??? if hellbound 1/2 grey x 1/2 whippet x cute as you ( pure bred greyhound) surely that makes them 3/4 g x 1/4 w-----------looked at the database , seen theres blanks in the pedigrees ,on both sides ???? pure grey blood there ??,---still make them 1/2 x 1/2 how ?? just interested

think you need to go and look at the database again with your glasses on there are no blanks in the breeding !!
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the pups will be 1/2 greyhound and fine to run in bwra as long as they stay under 55lb and seeing the greyhound raced at 48lb dont see them making over 55lb if your after 1 you shound get your name down quick :thumbsup:

as above ??? if hellbound 1/2 grey x 1/2 whippet x cute as you ( pure bred greyhound) surely that makes them 3/4 g x 1/4 w-----------looked at the database , seen theres blanks in the pedigrees ,on both sides ???? pure grey blood there ??,---still make them 1/2 x 1/2 how ?? just interested

so where in his breeding as it said hes 1/2 greyhound then ?? you must be looking at the wrong breeding
ah ok --- it dont , but then it dont say it is'nt ------------------not stirring anything , but on looking at database , for weeks and weeks , theres new greyhound blood needed into the whippet blood dont you think
If you care to look both of theese stud dogs have lined greyhounds and there is no problem with getting them registered, What are you trying to suggest :))
:luck: to all concerned, Hellbound and streisand are out of Spell bound and S :)) eagars not a greyhound, you would have to go back 3 generations to Springsteen who was half greyhound, l hope that answers your question.
i'm intrigued by this , but wish the new owners all the best--- my point being , when and where do you introduce a new greyhound gene into the gene pool as when you do , you'll also need to use a pure whippet , not a non ped , dog or bitch , as theyd becom 3/4 bred greys, not allowed to race 3/4 breds
Think your on the wrong forum if your interested in pedigree whippets.This is a mating to produce a non ped whippet,and the breeding is compleatly within the rules of both the BWRA and NNWRF.Your first post appeared to hint at you being interested in a pup,but in this last you wish the owners all the best indicating your not interested.If you wish to debate the breeding of non peds or greyhounds even, then feel free to start a new topic,and even though we've been there many times before i'm sure folk will oblige you :thumbsup:
If you care to look both of theese stud dogs have lined greyhounds and there is no problem with getting them registered, What are you trying to suggest :))
not trying to suggest anything ---- but it is a complex breeding program is it not ????
:luck: to all concerned, Hellbound and streisand are out of Spell bound and S :)) eagars not a greyhound, you would have to go back 3 generations to Springsteen who was half greyhound, l hope that answers your question.
i'm intrigued by this , but wish the new owners all the best--- my point being , when and where do you introduce a new greyhound gene into the gene pool as when you do , you'll also need to use a pure whippet , not a non ped , dog or bitch , as theyd becom 3/4 bred greys, not allowed to race 3/4 breds
Think your on the wrong forum if your interested in pedigree whippets.This is a mating to produce a non ped whippet,and the breeding is compleatly within the rules of both the BWRA and NNWRF.Your first post appeared to hint at you being interested in a pup,but in this last you wish the owners all the best indicating your not interested.If you wish to debate the breeding of non peds or greyhounds even, then feel free to start a new topic,and even though we've been there many times before i'm sure folk will oblige you :thumbsup:
hey , i would be interested , in these pups , i already keep x bred greyhounds 7/8th to be exact, no good for non ped racing , too much grey, ----for you to suggest i'm not interested , your wrong, i am interested----no good looking for rubbish if you want open racers, thats why i been looking at database for weeks, to find GOOD QUALITY BREEDING, which is here in these pups, i'm not a nugget , i'm actually very good with racing dogs.

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