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-_- somone PLEASE give me sum tips on getting tia to sleep longer at night ,this is a typical night for her ......gets fed last about 11 then gets played with till shes shattered (or so we think shes shattered )she usualy comes to bed about 1am and sleeps in the bedroom with us ,but she then wakes up between 2.30 and 3.30 and doesnt want to go bk to sleep i take her down for a pee then she plays again for about an hour and has another little nap then shes awake again ready for play then naps again then by 5.30 the latest thats it shes ready for her day and is fully awake and most of the time doesnt go bk to sleep for another nap at around 8.30 sooo tired it unreal -_- iv tryed all the usual stuff but nothing is working .thanks in advance ,from a very tired nicky -_- -_- -_- -_-
Poor you Nicky,very naughty Tia.When she wakes up 2 am does she whine?Pehaps you ought to not have her in your bedroom and put her in the kitchen,were does the others sleep?
There's a topic in FAQ called "new pup, no sleep HELP!" which is full of tips, Nicky :thumbsup:

try this link:


edited to add - when she gets up for her pee, don't speak to her or play with her at all. Put her out for the wee, then straight back up to her dark bed, ignore her. I used to put a hand down and lay it gently on their backs at this point, and after a while they do get the message that 'up in the night' means 'pee break only'. You have to be consistent and do it every time :thumbsup:
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daledogs said:
Poor you  Nicky,very naughty Tia.When she wakes up 2 am does she whine?Pehaps you ought to not have her in your bedroom and put her in the kitchen,were does the others sleep?
yes she whines everytime she wakes and if i dont take her out she will wee herself ,the boys sleep down stairs in ther crates ,but used to sleep in with us also but when we moved and got ther crates they would settle in them and not want to come to bed with us anymore :( iv tryed her down ther with the boys but she runs them ragged and they start to loose patients with her after a while ,iv also locked her in her cage but she just crys and crys and howls like a good one and its not possible to just let her do this as the whole house would be up and next door to :lol: iv even tryed her in bed with me on a couple of occasions but she just wants to play ,tryed taking crate up and locking her in she just wont settle ,wen shes on the floor i put my hand out so she knows im ther ,iv tryed teddies hot water bottle ,a clock :wacko: im lost as what to do next :(
Have to agree here Nicky, I always start as I mean to go on.... Archie is downstairs in his crate and sleeps all night and has done from night one. He yipped a little on the first couple of nights... but I completely ignored him...hard as it may sound....hes in the same room as Oscar and Kobi too.

Hes has been good as gold ...I may have just been lucky with him.... but Im sure Tia is just taking advantage because she knows she can get away with it

could you not put a crate in your bedroom until she goes completely through the night ....learning her to sleep alone. Then eventually put the crate where she will eventually sleep.
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~Helen~ said:
There's a topic in FAQ called "new pup, no sleep HELP!" which is full of tips, Nicky :thumbsup: try this link:


edited to add - when she gets up for her pee, don't speak to her or play with her at all. Put her out for the wee, then straight back up to her dark bed, ignore her. I used to put a hand down and lay it gently on their backs at this point, and after a while they do get the message that 'up in the night' means 'pee break only'. You have to be consistent and do it every time :thumbsup:

iv tryed ignoring her but she just keeps getting outa her bed and plays with herself but she is very very vocal when she does this running around the bedroom full pelt ,iv even tryed putting her in with blue but then she just wont let him sleep and he get bit grumpy with her then :angry: il have a read throu that link thou thanks helen :thumbsup:
Janimal said:
Have to agree here Nicky,  I always start as I mean to go on.... Archie is downstairs in his crate and sleeps all night and has done from night one.  He yipped a little on the first couple of nights... but I completely ignored him...hard as it may sound....hes in the same room as Oscar and Kobi too.
Hes has been good as gold ...I may have just been lucky with him.... but Im sure Tia is just taking advantage because she knows she can get away with it

could you not put a crate in your bedroom until she goes completely through the night ....learning her to sleep alone.  Then eventually put the crate where she will eventually sleep.

i think your right janis ,il go have a word with my neighbour later telling him what im going to do and and apologise in advance ,im shure he wont mind a bit of upset for couple of days ,im going to put her in her crate tonight in livingroom with the boys and just leave her to it as hard as it will be and just get up at 5.30 let her out for a pee and leave her to it again :thumbsup:
make sure shes warm enough Nicky too :huggles: and gently stroke her in the bed just before she goes off to sleep, try the same routine every night and dont have bright lights she gets to know what bedtime means....

hope it works for you...Kobi was a little begger when he first arived went on for a while before he settled in, and he had just left 4 other litter mates and mum and grandma too. :(

make sure she has her blanket and a favourite toy in with her too....

Dont be tempted to go back to her - hard as it sounds....
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Billy sleeps in his own crate downstairs,luckily he sleeps all night too -_- don't here a peep out of him.Tia knows she can get away with it,which is why she being like this.Keep trying to ignored her when she in your room,eventualy she will get fed up when she knows she not going to get the attention when she wants it.
Nicky mean to say I just have newspaper at one side of Archies crate, I dont let him out at all. oh yes and and I cover his crate up with a large throw - so its dark inside...

Sometimes he has done a wee on the paper and sometimes hes dry and goes out first thing around 7 am.
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Without reading through all those old threads, I think I remember people said it took about 4 nights to do it the 'hard way' and then their pup settled.
Maybe try feeding her a little earlier prehaps this might help :thumbsup:
The eternal problem is that every single baby whippet is different!

Willow was completely traumatised by her nights in the kitchen when she first arrived, so much so that she still hates being shut in there in the daytime (and she's 2 years old now!!!)

So with Buffy we had her straight in our bed from day one. Apart from the odd wee break she always slept straight through, and has actually turned into a far more independent girl than Willow!

You have to just work through everyone's suggestions till you find something that works. Because all dogs have different personalities, quirks and fears, what works 100% for one owner may be useless for your little girl.

We really hope you get her sorted soon!

:( oh poor nicky :( -_-

well with my 2, lolly was good from day1 :thumbsup:

but grace was a monster :- " in the end i done the following.........

put the crate downstairs, cover it over :thumbsup: make sure she has had some supper and been out for last tiddle :thumbsup:

put a chew in the crate for her, soon she should just follow in for a treat :thumbsup:

tell her to lay down and shush :angry:

turn out the light and leave her :thumbsup: maybe stand outside the door, if she starts making a fuss, go back in tap on the front of the crate (and in a firm voice) tell her to go to bed :angry: (but dont uncover the crate)

then leave her, it might take a few nights but it worked for grace :thumbsup:

she now settles down for -_- with no problems :thumbsup:

good :luck: with her.
Arh the 1 hour on 1 hour off routine lol

Play for an hour, sleep for an hour

Oh I remember it well with Sidney....

Place an old style ticking clock under her bed as it reminds them of Mummy's heart beat.

Also I would put a new pup in the kitchen or utility room until you have the sleeping pattern sorted then she couldn't whine or you couldn't hear her wake up as it would see she may be doing it for attention.

Also like a child have a set routine.... Sidney knows that when we say Bedtime, he has to go out to the loo and then it is straight into his bed in the kitchen alhtough sometimes he will go via his bed in the lounge to pick up his favorite teddy to take to bed with him.

Then the kitchen door gets closed after we said night and tucked him in and we don't go down to him then until 7am when the first person gets up.

put her in a crate make sure she is comfy put a quilt or put up bed in the kitchen for yourself turn lightsout everytime she whines speak and reassure, i know it sounds a bit ott but pays in the long run puppy needs to know its safe and having you at a distance she can smell/hear will calm her down i have done this with all my pups normally takes a couple of nights imo worse thing you can do is to introduce to your bedroom they need their own space
A double duvet over Murphy's crate did the trick - for the last 2 weeks he has slept right through and now doesn't even want to get up straight away when I let him out, lazy little mutt. I think it make the crate loads warmer and a lot quieter so that he doesnt get woken up by noises and want to play.
Nicky,give her her last meal at 9pm.

Normally,after pups have been fed,they go bonkers for quite a while before they flake out,which is obviously whats happening with Tia,so you can't get her to sleep.

You should also find that she won't need to get up for a pee during the night .

Hope this helps :thumbsup:
:eek: wow thanks for all the replies i will take all your advise onboard and try some of them ,thank you all so much ,a very tired nicky :D
just would like to wish you luck in getting tia settled for the night nicky :luck: :luck: :luck:

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