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Injured Pup

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i have read the posts with interest, and have to admit at times i have consulted my dad (40+ years of experience) instead of ringing the vet for every knock, scrape and limp. However, these have been for minor things. If it has looked like a serious problem, then I have rang my vet straight away. I may be lucky, but my vet is a running dog man and is very good. I have no insurance for any of my dogs, or my horse, but at the end of the day the welfare of my animals is priority, and if that means doing without a night out or, at times, food shopping, then so be it. At the end of the day the well being of any animal should come first, and for something like this, i would have thought a vet would be the best person to advise. Go see the vet Billy, if only for confirmation of the injury and peace of mind. Hope the pup's ok :)
midlanderkeith said:
billyboy45 said:
One of my 3/4 pups ,injured the inside of his knee joint this evening,and with doin what i usualy do,to find and pinpoint injuries,i need to get a look at summit that would show me ligament and muscle stuff,on the inside of the knee.As all the stuff ive looked at,only shows the outside tendons,ligament and muscle's.I have found the injury,and need to know what i am dealing with,before i phone the vet in the morning,who is 3 hours away,and hard to get on a saturday.If i can tell him exactly where and what the problem is,i might be able to save myself,quite a long journey.Any help appreciated.   ...Billy...View attachment 42893This is the boy in question
I enjoy coming onto k9 reading your stories and viewing all your dogs and it saddens me when i see someones dog ill, but thats life innit, so billyboy i wish you the very best for a speedy recovery of your pup :luck:


dont you take offence now billyboy, but if its a matter of money im willing to stick my hand in my pocket, always ready to help a sick dog

billy do you have any of your dogs registered with the PDSA as i think they will treat upto 3 animals in same household . :thumbsup: just need prof that you on some sort of benefit .went ther wen i was unemployed with my cat and they done a fab job with him you only have to leave a little contribution :thumbsup:
midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
billyboy45 said:
One of my 3/4 pups ,injured the inside of his knee joint this evening,and with doin what i usualy do,to find and pinpoint injuries,i need to get a look at summit that would show me ligament and muscle stuff,on the inside of the knee.As all the stuff ive looked at,only shows the outside tendons,ligament and muscle's.I have found the injury,and need to know what i am dealing with,before i phone the vet in the morning,who is 3 hours away,and hard to get on a saturday.If i can tell him exactly where and what the problem is,i might be able to save myself,quite a long journey.Any help appreciated.   ...Billy...View attachment 42893This is the boy in question
I enjoy coming onto k9 reading your stories and viewing all your dogs and it saddens me when i see someones dog ill, but thats life innit, so billyboy i wish you the very best for a speedy recovery of your pup :luck:


dont you take offence now billyboy, but if its a matter of money im willing to stick my hand in my pocket, always ready to help a sick dog


and me
billyboy45 said:
TC said:
I have to say Billy, I still still stand by my original post.
As responsible dog owners we have to be able to ensure we can give our dogs the best possible treatment. If that means that we can't afford vet's bills then we need to rethink.

As a vet nurse there are many things that I have been trained to do, and would therefore carry out myself. However, I am not a vet, I did not receive the years of training, or pass exams, so if my dog had an injury that required investigation I would be straight to the vet.

R.I.C.E is applicable to many injuries, but without confirmation from a vet's exam, you can't take it as read. I speak from experience  :wacko: A few years ago, I had a nasty accident where I really smacked my calf. Quite happily carrying on through the pain assuring myself I had bruised the bone, I lasted 2 weeks. Went to the hospital in the end, and found I had a fracture. My leg has never recovered from not  beng cast in the first instance. Lesson learnt, and that was for myself. I can guarantee that if my dog had had an injury like this it would have been straight to the vets, regardless of cost.

I hear where you're coming from re the insurance, but you must admit, there are plenty of ways round that. Many people do not insure due to the amount of dogs that they keep, BUT they then generally have a contingency in the form of a savings account. Those that do, tend to take the stance that Kris spoke about when telling the vet exactly what the dog was doing at the time of injury.

It's of no help jumping on people who are purely concerned over the welfare of dogs. If you didn't want advice, you wouldn't have posted originally. We can't help it if you don't like what advice has been given.

I too was very concerned about the dog in your other post who had an infection, but refrained from posting as it is very difficult to put things into words. I was shocked to think that this dog had such a severe infection and had not been seen by a vet.

How is the dog today?


The pup in ?has been seen several times by the vet,who attends my local Greyhound track once a week.Unfortunately he was there the day this pup got injured.But as the injury happened at 10 pm,he was not available even by phone,as this was my first move.The surgery is closed Sat,and Sun.So i thought that Monday was to far away,not to do something myself,in case the movement of the knee joint would need to be restricted,in some way.In the original post,i was looking for something with all the ligament imfo on it,so that i could look into as much as posible,before i did anything.And as i was in a catch 22 situation,i felt that i couldnt leave it till Monday,and would have to do something.When youre caught in a situation like this ,the panic buttons get pressed,which is exactly what happened on Friday night.This was why i turned the computer on,and asked for help.But it seems that the people on here think im some sort of Frankinstien,or summit.When all i was trying to do,was the best that i could,under the circumstances that i found myself in.I ran youthclubs and kids clubs for the church,and after going through many courses,have found that there is a vere thin line,between carring and neglecting.If id have done nothing,till Monday i would have been neglecting,and it seems that im still wrong for caring and trying to do something.Seems im beat no matter which way i turn.The photo of the pups foot,was when he was 10n1/2 weeks old,he just turned 6 month's on the 9th of April,and is my biggest and fastest pup,ay the minute.So was i wrong saving his life too.As all the greyhond men over here said i would be better putting him down.and so did a couple of vets.Sometimes,(not all)we have to go on instincts.(Wrongly or rightly)Thats the way of life.The pup will be seeing the vet tonight,as he has a dog ruuning at my local.Will let you know what he say's.Might i just add,its nice to speak to someone who know's what they're talking about.

Ref the injury you had to youre own leg.3 years ago,i got hit by a 65 lb greyhound bitch,going flat out after the lure,and as the actual lure machine itself was hard for her to see,she was going to hit it.(in full flight).I put myself on the line,by standing in front of it,and taking what was coming,as i either thought more of her, than i did of myself,or was just stupid.When i eventualy came round,i couldnt move.And after running my hand down my leg,and finding that my kneecap was at the rear of my leg and not where it should be,the ambulance was sent for.After a lengthly wait in casualty,a doctor and his assistant proceded to put all back in place,(without an xray)i might add.After a few months on crutches,before i could sort of walk again,i started physiotherapy.This was when the full extent of the damage became clear.and after a cat scan was done,it was found thatthe cartilage was gone,Cruciate ligs,where gone.Collaterals were gone,and there had been tendon damage.3years down the line,and the knee is totaly banjaxed.Clunk,Click,every trip.So i do see and understand where you are comming from. ...Billy...
TC said:
markbrick said:
billyboy45 said:
alfyn said:
I would say get him to the vets NOW!!
To me,folks that can't make the effort to get to the vets immediately when needed,however far away they are,shouldn't have animals!

Ok mouth piece,as it happens,my vet is over 100 miles away.That is,the only one i trust.Ive taken pups,racing dogs,and greyhounds,to various vets.Paid them a load of borrowed money(At times),and had them wrongly diagnose the injury.leaving me owing money and a pup,dog or whatever,having to be PTS.This has happened on more occasions that i care to remember.Experience has told me,that you dont go running to the vet,everytime a pup or whatever hurts itself.Otherwise we couldnt afford to keep them all.Tarn was injured on numerous occasions,all of which i treated myself.And her racing record was 2nd to none.Winning her last All Ireland Title,at the age of 71/2 years old.Recently.Megan broke her tail,about 4 inches from the end.3 different vets i took her to,wanted to amputate the end of her tail,saying it wouldnt take.I fixed it myself,and its 100% healed.So dont dare tell me that i shouldnt have animals.I put off having a heart opp,and also anther time put off a hernia opp twice,because one of the dogs was sick.So dont dare lable me as a none carer.Im on the sick due to heart probs and other things,so cant afford these big vet bills all the time,when they're not needed in the first place.And 9 times out of 10,rest is the best cure of all.

billy you are experianced enough to know what to do,and dont take on board to much of certain people on these forums take care mark


I don't mean to be funny, but if Billy was experienced enough to know what to do, why is he asking for advice on here?


I wasnt actualy looking for advice.If you go back to the original post,all i was looking for was a thing with the ins and outs of the knee ,so i could get a rough idea of what the injury was.Now dont tell me that im the only one who does this,as i would say everyone of us does.Otherwise there would be no point in having these things on the web.I agree,im not a vet,and never will be.But its a great thing to be able to understand the working pats of the dogs legs,and get an idea of what the problem is,or might be.When we take our cars to the garage,we dont just say ,its broke ,fix it.We try and get an idea of what the problem is,dont we.When we phone the doctors,they ask all sorts of questions,and try to diagnose the problem over the phone.They expect you to be able to answer these ?.If you couldnt,they would think you pretty stupid.All i was looking for was as much imfo as posible,so that if and when i eventualy got hold of the vet,i would be able to give him as much imfo as posible.Then if i had to make the trip,then without a shadow of a doubt,i would.Or if it could wait,then i would see him at the beggining of the week if nessesary.Thats all.It somehow seems to have got blown out of proportion.And as far as vet bill's go.Ive paid all mine,up to date,some of which were in exess of £400.And also some that werent mine,and belonged to mates that were worse of than me,and maybe already owed the vets a few quid.The time we had the pups with Parvo,it was the kids holiday money that cured them.
stormydog said:
billydid you ever try that vet at newtownstewart..cant quite remember the name but a mate of mine used it once on the way home from fishing the mourne river..its a 24 hour emergency one.  im hazarding a guess you dont use it ? maybe its not there now ...pity, it wouldve only been about 10 miles from you  :(

    hope you get him sorted out anyway .

JOHN,joke mate.This was the idiot who took the greyhound bitch in for a C SECTION,and had no help.I had to hold the bitch myself,while he took the pups from her,and put them in a wire basket with no heat whatsoever,(February)Same vet that give the pup out of Cornish Bob,too much of the stuff that puts them out for a while,never came round again.Same vet that didnt put the good bitch on a drip,after head trauma,which left her brain damaged.He left a swab in a gamekeepers Springer Spanial,and a few weeks later told him the bitch had a tumer.Another vet found the swab,the dog in question won the Irish springer Field trial championships,and was robbed in the final in England,in their version.Some vet john.Cheap worm tabs though.All we have round here are vets like that.Little country practices.I could tell you a lot more John.
nicky12 said:
OK everyone i think we'v all expressed how billy should get this dog to a vets and im one of them ..but this dog needs some help so lets all put our heads together and see if we can help billy boy get this dog right so come on all you  knolegable dogy people any suggestions on what he can do to help the poor little might get throu this .ps i think he should be looked at by vet but its obiousley not possible ..and the dog is wats important at the moe  :thumbsup:
Nicky.Realy and truly appreciate youre care,and worry.AS ive said before,everyone has missed the original point.I was looking for a bit of help,till i could phone the vet in the morning,and that if i had to go on a saturday,and have them open just for me,then i would certainly have gone.But this man is a greyhound specialist.Top man in Ireland,and knows his stuff better than any other man.He might see anything up to 100+greyhounds a day,so there's not much he doesnt know.If he wanted to see the pup,on Friday night ,if id have got him on the phone,then he would have seen him.It was only because of the circumstances,that i posted what i did.Thanks again for youre worry,but he will see the pup tonight.Could i just add,that the pup has been on my lap since i got up this morning.
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billyboy45 said:
nicky12 said:
OK everyone i think we'v all expressed how billy should get this dog to a vets and im one of them ..but this dog needs some help so lets all put our heads together and see if we can help billy boy get this dog right so come on all you  knolegable dogy people any suggestions on what he can do to help the poor little might get throu this .ps i think he should be looked at by vet but its obiousley not possible ..and the dog is wats important at the moe  :thumbsup:
Nicky.Realy and truly appreciate youre care,and worry.AS ive said before,everyone has missed the original point.I was looking for a bit of help,till i could phone the vet in the morning,and that if i had to go on a saturday,and have them open just for me,then i would certainly have gone.But this man is a greyhound specialist.Top man in Ireland,and knows his stuff better than any other man.He might see anything up to 100+greyhounds a day,so there's not much he doesnt know.If he wanted to see the pup,on Friday night ,if id have got him on the phone,then he would have seen him.It was only because of the circumstances,that i posted what i did.Thanks again for youre worry,but he will see the pup tonight.

no probs billy :thumbsup: lets hope between you and the vet you can get this dog bk on track :thumbsup: ps hows he doing now by the way ?
billyboy45 said:
kris said:
sorry but my twopennysworth is the same as debs.i was very upset to see the pics of that poor dogs jobs shouldnt be attempted for some ailments especially when the dogs health and welfare is at risk.its allright comparing  it to rushing to the docs with a child every time it sneezes but theres no way thats the same.if you cant afford to get your animals treated by a vet then you ought to think about the  whys and wherefores of why you keep this country if you dont get treatment for a dog or try to treat it yourself when it needs veterinary attention then you are making yourself liable for a prosecution.if you need help then the pdsa might be able to assist you,other than that why not get a few of the dogs insured and dont tell the vet treating them that theyve been injured racing or hunting.just say you were out for  a walk and the dog took off after a rabbit and the injury happened accidentally. :- "
Oh so its alright to sin,and tell lies.But its not alright to try and do the best you can under the circumstances,you find youreself in at 10 oclock on a Friday night,with no one in vet's surgeries,at that time of the night and closed for the weekend.Cause this is what happened,and all i was originaly looking for was a bit of help.But it seems that some on here just sit back and wait fot the chance to pounce.Havent seen much in the way of help.Maybe i should have just done what 80%of lurcher owners would have done,there and then.And looked for a post,to hit him over the head with.Cause in the real world,and not the fantasy one that most on here live in,thats what would have happened.Ive seen it dozen's of time's,and heard of it more.We had a litter of pup's with Parvo,one time,and the wife and myself,brought the whole litter through it,with pumping fluids under their skin every 2 hours ,for a full week.Each time,they would squeel in agony,as the skin was torn from the flesh,as the fluids went in.And they would look like Cammels for the next hour or so,with these big lumps of fluid all over them.We saved them all.Should i have let them all die,or do this D.I.Y job,and give them a life.One of these pups was never beaten in this country,and two of them reached the racing finals at chatsworth.I would do it all over again.How many on here would even have the stomach for it.Not getting at you here ,but fact is fact.You say shouldnt be attempted,when the dog health and wellbeing are at risk.My answer to this is simply.If i hadnt done the D.I.Y.job.There wouldnt have been a healt and wellbeing,cause he'd have been dead.And one last thing i must add.Most vets over here have notices up,which tell you that all bill's must be paid for in full at time of treatment,so what do you do,if you aint got 2,or 3 hundred £,in youre pocket at the time.

if your vets surgeries are like the vets surgeries over here they have to have on call service 24 hours.i dont think any vet in the uk is allowed to practice if they dont have it do they?so to say you found yourself in the situation where there wasnt a vet at your surgery i find stretching the bounds of credibility.(same as saying it was the kids holiday money that paid for your litter of pups with parvo!?) :blink: why not use your own money?and again i say if you cant afford the vets fees for 11 dogs then you ought not to have 11 dogs.emergencies happen but no dog should have to put up with botched diy jobs by a really makes me angry that you think this is ok.well i do live in the real world and ive seen a lot of things id rather not have seen,i dont live in an ivory tower(which of us does?)and i get sick and tired of hearing that old chestnut trotted out which covers a multitude of sins in some peoples eyes.well it doesnt wash.ill refer you back to wendys post which is what i think all dog lovers would do.noone is sitting back here and waiting to pounce,but to post what you have and expect nothing but sympathy belies say you want help then this is my advice and a number of other peoples.GET THE DOG TO A VET!

and dont tell me what 80% of lurcher owners would do.were talking about you and this dog not 80% of lurcher owners.(you dont seem to have a very high opinion of lurcher owners do you?)and to say youve seen it dozens of times makes me ask why didnt you do something about it?cos if i had i certainly would. :angry:

years ago (about 30 odd to be precise) i had a couple of dogs with parvo,they didnt have injections against it in them days.i didnt do a diy job on them cos it was considered a life threatening disease.I TOOK THEM TO A VET.they were put on drips given medication,blood transfusions etc cost me a fortune.but we found the money somehow and the dogs way would they have survived parvo by injecting fluids under the skin.ive lost pups with parvo and to say injecting fluids under the skin will save them is in my opinion rubbish(and i do know what im talking about here).its a form of a haemorrogic gastro entiritis and no pup will survive that by the treatment you have specified.i know cos i lost all of mine. :( when nobivac brought out the first real parvo jabs we all breathed sighs of relief.yes most vets over here have these signs up in their knowing that why do you persist in keeping so many dogs when you know full well that if anything bad happens to them you cant pay for their treatment?sometimes we must look inwardly and ask why we are keeping dogs?is it for their sake or for ours? :( none of our dogs are insured by the way,but we can afford to pay the vet if anything happened to them.otherwise i wouldnt keep them.and by building up a relationship with our vet im sure that if anything happened whereas we couldnt afford to pay cash at the time of treatment he would let us pay either in installment or by some other means.vets arent heartless ive found and will usually try to accomodate a longtime,valued client :thumbsup:
if your vets surgeries are like the vets surgeries over here they have to have on call service 24 hours.i dont think any vet in the uk is allowed to practice if they dont have it do they?so to say you found yourself in the situation where there wasnt a vet at your surgery i find stretching the bounds of credibility.(same as saying it was the kids holiday money that paid for your litter of pups with parvo!?) :blink: why not use your own money?and again i say if you cant afford the vets fees for 11 dogs then you ought not to have 11 dogs.emergencies happen but no dog should have to put up with botched diy jobs by a really makes me angry that you think this is ok.well i do live in the real world and ive seen a lot of things id rather not have seen,i dont live in an ivory tower(which of us does?)and i get sick and tired of hearing that old chestnut trotted out which covers a multitude of sins in some peoples eyes.well it doesnt wash.ill refer you back to wendys post which is what i think all dog lovers would do.noone is sitting back here and waiting to pounce,but to post what you have and expect nothing but sympathy belies say you want help then this is my advice and a number of other peoples.GET THE DOG TO A VET!and dont tell me what 80% of lurcher owners would do.were talking about you and this dog not 80% of lurcher owners.(you dont seem to have a very high opinion of lurcher owners do you?)and to say youve seen it dozens of times makes me ask why didnt you do something about it?cos if i had i certainly would. :angry:

years ago (about 30 odd to be precise) i had a couple of dogs with parvo,they didnt have injections against it in them days.i didnt do a diy job on them cos it was considered a life threatening disease.I TOOK THEM TO A VET.they were put on drips given medication,blood transfusions etc cost me a fortune.but we found the money somehow and the dogs way would they have survived parvo by injecting fluids under the skin.ive lost pups with parvo and to say injecting fluids under the skin will save them is in my opinion rubbish(and i do know what im talking about here).its a form of a haemorrogic gastro entiritis and no pup will survive that by the treatment you have specified.i know cos i lost all of mine. :( when nobivac brought out the first real parvo jabs we all breathed sighs of relief.yes most vets over here have these signs up in their knowing that why do you persist in keeping so many dogs when you know full well that if anything bad happens to them you cant pay for their treatment?sometimes we must look inwardly and ask why we are keeping dogs?is it for their sake or for ours? :( none of our dogs are insured by the way,but we can afford to pay the vet  if anything happened to them.otherwise i wouldnt keep them.and by building up a relationship with our vet im sure that if anything happened whereas we couldnt afford to pay cash at the time of treatment he would let us pay either in installment or by some other means.vets arent heartless ive found and will usually try to accomodate a longtime,valued client :thumbsup:

Thank god for an intelligent, sensible, genuine & more to the point under dramatic factual post :thumbsup:

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to reply to each of my posts ;)

I just wanted to comment on a couple of things :thumbsup:

In your original post, you implied that you wanted to find the problem and provide the cure yourself, in effect, by looking at a chart. This would avoid you having to go to the vet.

I believe this is why many of us instantly questioned why you would not take aforementioned dog to see a qualified vet. In all my experience of working with vets, I have never known one to do a first consultation over the phone for an injury such as this.

Maybe, if they have seen the animal and you then ring with a question, they will talk things through over the phone, but even the most experienced vet cannot diagnose and prescribe treatment without having examined the dog. It's not like we're talking about a cut here is it, lets be honest.

You also go on to say that some of us think of you as Frankenstein. This is clearly an assumption on your part, as no one has mentioned anything of the sort.

What people are generally concerned about is neccessary care seems to have been witheld due to funds, and this is a worry.

I know you don't agree with this, as you have been quite outspoken in your approach and justification as to the fact that animals are alive because of your handiwork, as opposed to a vet. This is your belief, and that's fine.

I'd also like to clarify that I have never isinuated that any of your dogs be put to sleep rather receive treatment, I just believe that they require veterinary care, and the appropriate treatment and neccessary medication.

I think it is very unfortunate that your black dog suffered an allergy to the cast, but when you say that the vet would have put him to sleep, I can only assume that he would have said that because he believed that you couldn't afford the treatment, NOT because this was a lost cause. It was a very nasty infection from the pictures, and I am relieved for the dogs sake that it seems this is now a distant memory. I can't help but question that it would have been rectified a lot sooner with veterinary care though. Sorry if that offends, I just believe it to be true.

You yourself have said that you understood where I was coming from when you spoke about your knee injury. Long term damage is often missed with home remedy, and I hope for your's and the pup's sake that there are not any underlying issues that will only become apparent later, that may have been avoided had an xray etc been done at the time.

You also say that had you not stepped in on occasion and treated them yourself, then there would be no health and wellbeing of your dogs as they would have been put to sleep. This comment will only add fuel to the fire of those that feel you are not financially capable of looking after such a large pack.

As for people seeing your dog running with you in the field, I understand what you mean. You feel that the dog is healed so there is no issue. Others would say that it was forced to take the hard road to recovery.

I know the joy of seeing a dog running after he snapped off the end of his toe, but can also wholeheartedly say that he had the best treatment available. Yes I have splints and bandages that I could have applied and a supply of metacam that I could have administered, but I chose the route that I felt was best for my dog. His toe was pinned and cross wired to ensure that it set as it was. The metal work was then removed a few weeks later (to avoid any friction on tendons/ligaments) to produce a perfect fusion with no callousing, and full movement in the hind middle toe. This dog can run bends and turn on a sixpence.

If I'd cast it myself, I'm sure he would have been able to run, but undoubtedly he wouldn't have the full movement as before the injury, and I can pretty much guarantee he would have suffered somewhere along the line.

I don't meant to be harsh Billy, but I speak as I find, and I appreciate that you do too.

I hope both your pups are okay, and like you offered, I'd really like to know how they both fair after the vet has seen them.

Ok,ive been to the track ,to see my vet,and the prognoses is good,in fact very good.I was slightly wrong as i only got it half right.So im not perfect ,like everyone else.The pup has done a crux as he calls it,and the one i found,which is a lateral,or collateral or tyred to think strait.It will heal in time,and Jake is now in his brand new 3x3 prison,and only allowed out to s...e,for the next 3 weeks.In my first post about this injury,i was looking for a bit of urgent help,that would maybe give me an idea of how bad it was,and posibly save me a middle of the night 3 hour trip,which i would have taken anyway,had my vet been availible,and told me to bring him down.And after talking to him tonight and finding out where he was on friday night,he deffinately wouldnt have been availible.I admit that i should have takin him down on saturday morning,but after being up all night with the pup,i was knackered,and decided to wait till Monday morning.Fortunately for me,he was at the track tonight.He had a laugh when i told him about this stuff on here,and his reply somewhat shocked me.He used to work in London 25 odd years ago,when he was starting off,and can remember some of the pittyfull sights that used to be brought into him,by different Whippet owners.He said some of them werent pure whippet,but were being raced as such,and were totaly starved to get the weights down,for handicaping.He said,there was 23inch dogs weighing only 30 or 32 lb,and were nothing but bones,covered in skin.Ive seen this myself more recently in some pic's on here.He also said that all the rubbish from here that goes to england,ends up in Spain,and then spends the rest of its life in a 30x15 cage,only getting out to race.One other very interesting thing he told me tonight,is this.He will probibly see 30 to 40,racing greyhounds tomorrow morning,that were injured in Friday nights racing,some of them bandaged up,some of them with broken bones,who've not been looked at,since the race,and he said its never changed in the 25 years he's been working with greyhounds and whippets,and lurchers.So im not the only one who doesnt care as its been put.As far as money goes,and what you said about him maybe not wanting to treat the black pup,in case i couldnt afford it.I can bring any dog to him and he will treat whatever the problem is.The reason he told me that he would probibly have recomended putting the pup down,was that the foot might not hold,and could go again at a later date.But this could happen to any dog,even he never had a broken bone in his life.If truth be told.The main reason he wasnt put down,is because he's the only pup,old Megan has ever, or maybe will ever have.So it doesnt matter if he never races,at least he's here for stud duties in a few years time.You see i dont put my dogs down when they're no longer useful to me,they stay till they die ,or are in bad health and have to be put down.He also told me to insure the dogs,but my thoughts on this are simple.I will not tell lies to obtain money from anyone for anything,and for anyone to do this,is as much if not more illigal than me trying to fix a dogs foot,myself.I wonder how long most on here would have their insurance policies if the insurance companies involved new that the dogs were being used for racing.Not too many.I will keep all those who are so interested in this pup,and my cruelty towards him, imformed as to how he is doing.And to all those genuine people out there ,a big thankyou ,for youre support.To those who sent me PMs and offered to help pay the bill's thankyou,but no thankyou.When i cant afford to keep them ,i'll call it a day.As it turned out,i did save myself a long journey,and a few quid.Found out who would stab you in the back,when all you want is a bit of help at an unsavoury hour,and also who the real people on here are,the ones id be proud to call mates.Iwill now go and put another ice pack on the poor critters knee.And by the way,i made the ice pack myself.D.I.Y.job ye know.
kris said:
billyboy45 said:
kris said:
sorry but my twopennysworth is the same as debs.i was very upset to see the pics of that poor dogs jobs shouldnt be attempted for some ailments especially when the dogs health and welfare is at risk.its allright comparing  it to rushing to the docs with a child every time it sneezes but theres no way thats the same.if you cant afford to get your animals treated by a vet then you ought to think about the  whys and wherefores of why you keep this country if you dont get treatment for a dog or try to treat it yourself when it needs veterinary attention then you are making yourself liable for a prosecution.if you need help then the pdsa might be able to assist you,other than that why not get a few of the dogs insured and dont tell the vet treating them that theyve been injured racing or hunting.just say you were out for  a walk and the dog took off after a rabbit and the injury happened accidentally. :- "
Oh so its alright to sin,and tell lies.But its not alright to try and do the best you can under the circumstances,you find youreself in at 10 oclock on a Friday night,with no one in vet's surgeries,at that time of the night and closed for the weekend.Cause this is what happened,and all i was originaly looking for was a bit of help.But it seems that some on here just sit back and wait fot the chance to pounce.Havent seen much in the way of help.Maybe i should have just done what 80%of lurcher owners would have done,there and then.And looked for a post,to hit him over the head with.Cause in the real world,and not the fantasy one that most on here live in,thats what would have happened.Ive seen it dozen's of time's,and heard of it more.We had a litter of pup's with Parvo,one time,and the wife and myself,brought the whole litter through it,with pumping fluids under their skin every 2 hours ,for a full week.Each time,they would squeel in agony,as the skin was torn from the flesh,as the fluids went in.And they would look like Cammels for the next hour or so,with these big lumps of fluid all over them.We saved them all.Should i have let them all die,or do this D.I.Y job,and give them a life.One of these pups was never beaten in this country,and two of them reached the racing finals at chatsworth.I would do it all over again.How many on here would even have the stomach for it.Not getting at you here ,but fact is fact.You say shouldnt be attempted,when the dog health and wellbeing are at risk.My answer to this is simply.If i hadnt done the D.I.Y.job.There wouldnt have been a healt and wellbeing,cause he'd have been dead.And one last thing i must add.Most vets over here have notices up,which tell you that all bill's must be paid for in full at time of treatment,so what do you do,if you aint got 2,or 3 hundred £,in youre pocket at the time.

if your vets surgeries are like the vets surgeries over here they have to have on call service 24 hours.i dont think any vet in the uk is allowed to practice if they dont have it do they?so to say you found yourself in the situation where there wasnt a vet at your surgery i find stretching the bounds of credibility.(same as saying it was the kids holiday money that paid for your litter of pups with parvo!?) :blink: why not use your own money?and again i say if you cant afford the vets fees for 11 dogs then you ought not to have 11 dogs.emergencies happen but no dog should have to put up with botched diy jobs by a really makes me angry that you think this is ok.well i do live in the real world and ive seen a lot of things id rather not have seen,i dont live in an ivory tower(which of us does?)and i get sick and tired of hearing that old chestnut trotted out which covers a multitude of sins in some peoples eyes.well it doesnt wash.ill refer you back to wendys post which is what i think all dog lovers would do.noone is sitting back here and waiting to pounce,but to post what you have and expect nothing but sympathy belies say you want help then this is my advice and a number of other peoples.GET THE DOG TO A VET!

and dont tell me what 80% of lurcher owners would do.were talking about you and this dog not 80% of lurcher owners.(you dont seem to have a very high opinion of lurcher owners do you?)and to say youve seen it dozens of times makes me ask why didnt you do something about it?cos if i had i certainly would. :angry:

years ago (about 30 odd to be precise) i had a couple of dogs with parvo,they didnt have injections against it in them days.i didnt do a diy job on them cos it was considered a life threatening disease.I TOOK THEM TO A VET.they were put on drips given medication,blood transfusions etc cost me a fortune.but we found the money somehow and the dogs way would they have survived parvo by injecting fluids under the skin.ive lost pups with parvo and to say injecting fluids under the skin will save them is in my opinion rubbish(and i do know what im talking about here).its a form of a haemorrogic gastro entiritis and no pup will survive that by the treatment you have specified.i know cos i lost all of mine. :( when nobivac brought out the first real parvo jabs we all breathed sighs of relief.yes most vets over here have these signs up in their knowing that why do you persist in keeping so many dogs when you know full well that if anything bad happens to them you cant pay for their treatment?sometimes we must look inwardly and ask why we are keeping dogs?is it for their sake or for ours? :( none of our dogs are insured by the way,but we can afford to pay the vet if anything happened to them.otherwise i wouldnt keep them.and by building up a relationship with our vet im sure that if anything happened whereas we couldnt afford to pay cash at the time of treatment he would let us pay either in installment or by some other means.vets arent heartless ive found and will usually try to accomodate a longtime,valued client :thumbsup:

ref the kids holiday money being used for the pups with the parvo,only a fool wouldnt know this as a figure of speach.Of course the money was mine,but i was gona use it for the holiday,wasnt i.There was a vet on call that night ,but not a greyhound specialist,and certainly not my vet.You talk a load of s...e when you say that injecting fluids under the skin wont save pups with Parvo.For starters,it was the vet who administered the first of the fluids,UNDER the skin,and it was the vet that showed us how to do it,and give us the drip bags as there were 5 pups involved.Another thing you dont seem to know,is that its not the Parvo that does the killing,its dehydration,and injecting under the skin with pups that can keep nothing down,is the same as putting them on a drip,and as the vets was only a small one man practice at the time,in our small rural vilage,we had no other option but to try what he showed us.We saved all 5 pups.The next time we had Parvo.we never even got to the vets,as a pup was sick at night and the whole litter was dead in the morning,before we even new what was going on.This was at a different house,and was carried in by a workman,who had it in his yard at the time.Where have i said that i wasnt willing or couldnt afford to pay the vet fee,s.I may be on benifits.but if summit needs peyed ,its payed.It was someone else who started up about not wanting to pay vet fee's.Just last year,i paid another mans bill to have a c section done,on his bitch.Ill take you back to summit else youve said about me seein it happen dozens of time.sand what youd have done about it.Good thing you dont live in N.Ireland then ,aint it,cause if you did see,and sqeeled,then you would end up where the dogs did.No matter how big you thought you were.Doggy men over here dont run about show rings wipen doggies arses with baby wipes everytime they s...e.No pup will survive that by the treatment you have specified,i know cause i lost all mine.Does that mean you tried it,sounds that way,and could be interpreted wrongly,just like the original post at the begining of this topic.Isnt that right.Istill have a video of my pups,with the Parvo,and the big needles and bags of fluid are all there to be seen.So if it is an absolute must,then i will try and put a copy on DVD for you,and send it off.Our bill at the time came to £400 odd and was paid a couple of weeks after the pups recovered.In fact i have the whole story about this as it was in the N.L.R.C yearly mag,at the time.I guess the treatment you tried wasnt much good then was it.As the one our vet at the time gave us worked,i will say though,that it was one of the toughest times of my life with dogs,and very hard going for that week,but well worth it in the end,even 3 of them were useless.Anyway the pups been to the vet,whom i didnt once say i wasnt going to take him to,or wasnt willing to pay .People have great ways of twisting things.Just one more thing i want to say to you,about something youve written.You said youre sick and tyred of that old chestnut tradded out which covers over a multitude of sin's.There's only one,who can cover over a multitude of sin's,and he even wants to cover over youre's.So why not go and have a wee talk with him.That is ,unless you think that maybe you dont have any.If thats the case,then i realy feel sorry for you.
He had a laugh when i told him about this stuff on here,and his reply somewhat shocked me.He used to work in London 25 odd years ago,when he was starting off,and can remember some of the pittyfull sights that used to be brought into him,by different Whippet owners.He said some of them werent pure whippet,but were being raced as such,and were totaly starved to get the weights down,for handicaping.He said,there was 23inch dogs weighing only 30 or 32 lb,and were nothing but bones,covered in skin.Ive seen this myself more recently in some pic's on here.
Seems to me Billy your going to have to travel further than 100 miles for a decent vet.

People have great ways of twisting things.
Don't they just. :- "
billyboy45 said:
kris said:
billyboy45 said:
kris said:
sorry but my twopennysworth is the same as debs.i was very upset to see the pics of that poor dogs jobs shouldnt be attempted for some ailments especially when the dogs health and welfare is at risk.its allright comparing  it to rushing to the docs with a child every time it sneezes but theres no way thats the same.if you cant afford to get your animals treated by a vet then you ought to think about the  whys and wherefores of why you keep this country if you dont get treatment for a dog or try to treat it yourself when it needs veterinary attention then you are making yourself liable for a prosecution.if you need help then the pdsa might be able to assist you,other than that why not get a few of the dogs insured and dont tell the vet treating them that theyve been injured racing or hunting.just say you were out for  a walk and the dog took off after a rabbit and the injury happened accidentally. :- "
Oh so its alright to sin,and tell lies.But its not alright to try and do the best you can under the circumstances,you find youreself in at 10 oclock on a Friday night,with no one in vet's surgeries,at that time of the night and closed for the weekend.Cause this is what happened,and all i was originaly looking for was a bit of help.But it seems that some on here just sit back and wait fot the chance to pounce.Havent seen much in the way of help.Maybe i should have just done what 80%of lurcher owners would have done,there and then.And looked for a post,to hit him over the head with.Cause in the real world,and not the fantasy one that most on here live in,thats what would have happened.Ive seen it dozen's of time's,and heard of it more.We had a litter of pup's with Parvo,one time,and the wife and myself,brought the whole litter through it,with pumping fluids under their skin every 2 hours ,for a full week.Each time,they would squeel in agony,as the skin was torn from the flesh,as the fluids went in.And they would look like Cammels for the next hour or so,with these big lumps of fluid all over them.We saved them all.Should i have let them all die,or do this D.I.Y job,and give them a life.One of these pups was never beaten in this country,and two of them reached the racing finals at chatsworth.I would do it all over again.How many on here would even have the stomach for it.Not getting at you here ,but fact is fact.You say shouldnt be attempted,when the dog health and wellbeing are at risk.My answer to this is simply.If i hadnt done the D.I.Y.job.There wouldnt have been a healt and wellbeing,cause he'd have been dead.And one last thing i must add.Most vets over here have notices up,which tell you that all bill's must be paid for in full at time of treatment,so what do you do,if you aint got 2,or 3 hundred £,in youre pocket at the time.

if your vets surgeries are like the vets surgeries over here they have to have on call service 24 hours.i dont think any vet in the uk is allowed to practice if they dont have it do they?so to say you found yourself in the situation where there wasnt a vet at your surgery i find stretching the bounds of credibility.(same as saying it was the kids holiday money that paid for your litter of pups with parvo!?) :blink: why not use your own money?and again i say if you cant afford the vets fees for 11 dogs then you ought not to have 11 dogs.emergencies happen but no dog should have to put up with botched diy jobs by a really makes me angry that you think this is ok.well i do live in the real world and ive seen a lot of things id rather not have seen,i dont live in an ivory tower(which of us does?)and i get sick and tired of hearing that old chestnut trotted out which covers a multitude of sins in some peoples eyes.well it doesnt wash.ill refer you back to wendys post which is what i think all dog lovers would do.noone is sitting back here and waiting to pounce,but to post what you have and expect nothing but sympathy belies say you want help then this is my advice and a number of other peoples.GET THE DOG TO A VET!

and dont tell me what 80% of lurcher owners would do.were talking about you and this dog not 80% of lurcher owners.(you dont seem to have a very high opinion of lurcher owners do you?)and to say youve seen it dozens of times makes me ask why didnt you do something about it?cos if i had i certainly would. :angry:

years ago (about 30 odd to be precise) i had a couple of dogs with parvo,they didnt have injections against it in them days.i didnt do a diy job on them cos it was considered a life threatening disease.I TOOK THEM TO A VET.they were put on drips given medication,blood transfusions etc cost me a fortune.but we found the money somehow and the dogs way would they have survived parvo by injecting fluids under the skin.ive lost pups with parvo and to say injecting fluids under the skin will save them is in my opinion rubbish(and i do know what im talking about here).its a form of a haemorrogic gastro entiritis and no pup will survive that by the treatment you have specified.i know cos i lost all of mine. :( when nobivac brought out the first real parvo jabs we all breathed sighs of relief.yes most vets over here have these signs up in their knowing that why do you persist in keeping so many dogs when you know full well that if anything bad happens to them you cant pay for their treatment?sometimes we must look inwardly and ask why we are keeping dogs?is it for their sake or for ours? :( none of our dogs are insured by the way,but we can afford to pay the vet if anything happened to them.otherwise i wouldnt keep them.and by building up a relationship with our vet im sure that if anything happened whereas we couldnt afford to pay cash at the time of treatment he would let us pay either in installment or by some other means.vets arent heartless ive found and will usually try to accomodate a longtime,valued client :thumbsup:

ref the kids holiday money being used for the pups with the parvo,only a fool wouldnt know this as a figure of speach.Of course the money was mine,but i was gona use it for the holiday,wasnt i.There was a vet on call that night ,but not a greyhound specialist,and certainly not my vet.You talk a load of s...e when you say that injecting fluids under the skin wont save pups with Parvo.For starters,it was the vet who administered the first of the fluids,UNDER the skin,and it was the vet that showed us how to do it,and give us the drip bags as there were 5 pups involved.Another thing you dont seem to know,is that its not the Parvo that does the killing,its dehydration,and injecting under the skin with pups that can keep nothing down,is the same as putting them on a drip,and as the vets was only a small one man practice at the time,in our small rural vilage,we had no other option but to try what he showed us.We saved all 5 pups.The next time we had Parvo.we never even got to the vets,as a pup was sick at night and the whole litter was dead in the morning,before we even new what was going on.This was at a different house,and was carried in by a workman,who had it in his yard at the time.Where have i said that i wasnt willing or couldnt afford to pay the vet fee,s.I may be on benifits.but if summit needs peyed ,its payed.It was someone else who started up about not wanting to pay vet fee's.Just last year,i paid another mans bill to have a c section done,on his bitch.Ill take you back to summit else youve said about me seein it happen dozens of time.sand what youd have done about it.Good thing you dont live in N.Ireland then ,aint it,cause if you did see,and sqeeled,then you would end up where the dogs did.No matter how big you thought you were.Doggy men over here dont run about show rings wipen doggies arses with baby wipes everytime they s...e.No pup will survive that by the treatment you have specified,i know cause i lost all mine.Does that mean you tried it,sounds that way,and could be interpreted wrongly,just like the original post at the begining of this topic.Isnt that right.Istill have a video of my pups,with the Parvo,and the big needles and bags of fluid are all there to be seen.So if it is an absolute must,then i will try and put a copy on DVD for you,and send it off.Our bill at the time came to £400 odd and was paid a couple of weeks after the pups recovered.In fact i have the whole story about this as it was in the N.L.R.C yearly mag,at the time.I guess the treatment you tried wasnt much good then was it.As the one our vet at the time gave us worked,i will say though,that it was one of the toughest times of my life with dogs,and very hard going for that week,but well worth it in the end,even 3 of them were useless.Anyway the pups been to the vet,whom i didnt once say i wasnt going to take him to,or wasnt willing to pay .People have great ways of twisting things.Just one more thing i want to say to you,about something youve written.You said youre sick and tyred of that old chestnut tradded out which covers over a multitude of sin's.There's only one,who can cover over a multitude of sin's,and he even wants to cover over youre's.So why not go and have a wee talk with him.That is ,unless you think that maybe you dont have any.If thats the case,then i realy feel sorry for you.

its not you billy who is a cruel fecker, its them vets who used to sell you a load of tablets tell you to come back next week same time and screw you for as much money as they could, all to know there was no real cure in the late 70s for parvo you did right in my eyes but maybe iam wrong as well :thumbsup: mark


YA DONT NEED TO RE-POST 230000 WORDS EVERY TIME :eek: :wacko: :wacko:

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