Out of interest who is P.Johnson, not looking to name names but I've just been "questioned" about this. Yes our surname is Johnson but there's nobody here with a name beginning with P. so the caller in question can just P-OFF !!! Mum was working 24hour shift the day of the AGM so we weren't even there. :clown:6. Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that Bruce and Di Bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... Against 7