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Well with the hope that she is coming home soon I need advice on what I need to help her recovery.

Where is the best place to get puppy training pads with her unable to walk? And might have problem in the toilet department.

I have got a travel cot for the early days and crate for when she is getting better. Plus a bean bag for her to lie on, instead of an airflow seat.

We have a good supply of towels for the cot and to help turn her.

But can anyone think of anything else we will need to make her life more comfortable.

Many thanks

Linda xxx

p.s. We are looking forward to good weather (in Scotland lol) so that she can get fresh air and not get bored!!!
You seem to have most things covered. The only thing I can think of is will she be able to eat and drink in a fairly horizontal position. Perhaps a squirty water bottle with a longish nozzle but it depends how shes managing now and whether she's receiving intravenous fluids. I presume food, a moist diet, can be hand fed to her. Sorry not much help but I do wish her a speedy and full recovery. It will be lovely to have her home I'm sure, but hard work for you and we all have our fingers and paws crossed for her. :luck: :luck: :luck:

Well with the hope that she is coming home soon I need advice on what I need to help her recovery.
Where is the best place to get puppy training pads with her unable to walk? And might have problem in the toilet department.

I have got a travel cot for the early days and crate for when she is getting better. Plus a bean bag for her to lie on, instead of an airflow seat.

We have a good supply of towels for the cot and to help turn her.

But can anyone think of anything else we will need to make her life more comfortable.

Many thanks

Linda xxx

p.s. We are looking forward to good weather (in Scotland lol) so that she can get fresh air and not get bored!!!
you should be able to get puppy training pads in any decent pet shop, you can get different size packs i know that you can get an economy size box which works a lot cheaper about 100 pads in it. if you have trouble getting them send me a note and i'll give you some numbers to contact so that you can get them direct, also simple soloution stain and oder remover is very good if you have any accidents on ur carpet. you can also use it in carpet cleaning machines. i hope all goes well when you get ur little one back home. if you have trouble trying to sorce things you might need , get in touch as i work in a pet shop. good luck linda and keep us all posted with how shes doing. speak soon dorris. x
I have been following Macey's story with my heart in my mouth. It will be wonderful when she is home and I am sure you will be so much happier.

A large Rabbit water bottle attached to her cage would enable her to drink independently. I have used them at shows with success.

Simple solution(Brampton) make puppy pads, £11.00 for 30. Sherleys/Beaphar also make them, and they are bigger and more absorbent. Brampton also make diapers for dogs which are ready available in pet shops, but I prefer these, they fit beautifully, and are very comfy.

Please keep us updated on Macey's progress. Thinking of you.
The advice I have is more about what I did rather than what to get you seem to be on top of things with all that,

I just always made sure when I turned Sienna so she could see what was going on so not facing a wall ect which may mean a total shift if thats poss, dont know if it made a difference to her but it must be very boring with nothing to look at, I think it might make them want to be up too so they might try harder.

Took her out to the toilet lots of time just in case, toilet can be a very long job and quite frustrating because you are holding her up( not great for the back either) but it can be hard for them to go I don't know about Macey but all mine have to do 10 rounds of the garden before they find THE spot so to be in one place can make it really hard for them to go so it takes much longer, I found sometimes it helped to move from place to place, good job my neighbours know me well lol,I mentioned on the phone about holding her under the chest rather than the tummy didn't I :oops:

I gave Sienna wet food, she normally has dried,because she had damaged her neck the chewing motion was hard for her.also it was puppy food because it has more nutrients for build up, some pasta too because she lost 5ib which as you can imagine made soooo thin.

As always you know where I am if you need anything :huggles:

There are quite good prices for puppy training pads on eBay. I would not be to keen on using training pants as these may cause sores or an infection as the air cannot ciurculate and she cannot move, the urine etc would be trapped against her skin. Baby wipes would be good for cleaning her up and Sudocreme (cheaper in a large 400g tub) helps prevent a rash developing from the urine burning. The water bottle is a great idea!

Wishing you well :luck: :luck: :luck:

The best value training pads that I found were on ebay. Sellers email is: One thing that helped me when I was rehabilitating a dog who had had encephalitis and could hardly walk was to sling a long scarf around her body to support her - much easier than bending and holding her up. Best of luck to you and Macey, hope she makes a swift recovery. :luck: :luck: :luck:
I have thought of something else

Foxy has a magnetic collar. I am sceptical of alternative remidies, but it really does seem to help. I have experimented with it both on and off. I take it that Macey cannot wear a magnetic collar at present but I found a mattress on eBay at an excellent price. You would put it under her bedding. Cut and paste the link and it should bring up the item.

Foxy has trapped nerves in her neck and the idea is that magnets improve blood circulation so this may be ideal. It is 39.99 with free postage and very cheap at the price. I am thinking of getting one myself for foxy.
Thanks for all your advice guys.

We are being given a loan of a bioflow collar, through freecycle uk so will try anything!!

Will keep you posted as she is being collected at 3pm. So many offers of dog sitting and help it shows that there are some wonderful kind people about!!

Thanks again.

Linda xxx

p.s. Will try and post some pictures once she is home!! xx
Aww so pleased she is coming home today, you really must be over the moon. Best of luck with everything, I totally believe that the bioflow collars help having used them myself and on Winx.

Sounds like Lesley is being a Godsend, but then we all knew she would :huggles:

When Diesel damaged his spine, as it wasn't really "fire on" weather..we bought a halogen heater that cost about £9.99 and stood that in front of his cage (only when we were in and watching him) and he soo seemed to enjoy just basking in the lovley warmth and glow it gave off.

I cant wait for her to be i remember how excited we were waiting to bring Diesel home

lots of love and very best wishes to
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All the best with her when she comes home :huggles: :huggles:
Seems like you have been given lots of good advice already :)

I'm sure once Macey is home she will be a lot happier :huggles:

:luck: :luck: with her recovery, although it's gonna be hard work, one look from Macey :wub:

will make every thing worth while.

Take care, thinking of you all :huggles:
so glad to her Macey is coming home, sounds like you're all organised. No one will deny it's going to take a lot of patience and back breaking effort but to see Lesley's example in her vids of Sienna makes you know that it is definately all worth it, the little heater idea sounds nice n comfy, and you know how they like to follow the sun beaming into the house.

My advice is:- you're going to be very busy so JUST FORGET THE HOUSEWORK, IT'LL ALL STILL BE WAITING WHEN SHE'S BETTER ! no one is superwoman, when your kind visitors come and offer to help let them do a bit of housework for you, can't wait to see her home, very best of luck ! gentle XXXXX for a brave girl.
I've been following Maceys story but haven't posted anything cos I just didn't know what to say - I am so happy for you that she is coming home (best place for her) and I wish her a speedy recovery and hope all goes well.

I have a box of 100 puppy pads that we got for Tara but only used a few out of the box so you are very welcome to have them - I will send them via the post for you if you want them. PM me. And once again, I wish you all the luck in the world.

Clare x
You seem to be getting some great advice on here....especially from our Lesley, she knows from experience..couldnt think of anyone better to ask :flowers:

Very best of luck with it all (and of course to Macy) she must be a little fighter, and we are all just willing her from strength

to strength... :huggles: :luck: :luck:
best of luck and good wishes to you all :luck: :luck: :* :* :luck: :luck:
I do hope all goes well. Your little daughter will be so happy to have 'her best friend' home.

Best wishes from myself, Foxy, Misty, Lilly and Toddy :luck: :wub: :luck: :wub: :luck: :wub: :luck: :wub: :huggles:

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