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Kennel Cough

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telstar said:
Judy said:
Kennel Cough is a bloody nuisance. I'm actually quite glad we're not racing this weekend now. Each week we're probably all wondering wether our dogs have been unlucky enough to catch it or not. I just hope that nobody is daft enough to go back racing too soon.
thats us out for some time just got delter queen of hearts racing fit after her last illness now kennel cough struck her showing red is worse i have 9 whippets 4,s gone down with it not as bad as s red worryed about my older vets.Won't come back to racing unless i have all clear from vets which will be some time in the late season. :(

Such a shame, I think a month to 6 weeks is needed after symptoms appear to get your hounds well again.

It is very dodgy to run a dog who has a viral infection too soon, the body takes a while to recover :( What a pain in the Open season (w00t) )
Joanna said:
telstar said:
Judy said:
Kennel Cough is a bloody nuisance. I'm actually quite glad we're not racing this weekend now. Each week we're probably all wondering wether our dogs have been unlucky enough to catch it or not. I just hope that nobody is daft enough to go back racing too soon.
thats us out for some time just got delter queen of hearts racing fit after her last illness now kennel cough struck her showing red is worse i have 9 whippets 4,s gone down with it not as bad as s red worryed about my older vets.Won't come back to racing unless i have all clear from vets which will be some time in the late season. :(

my baby (penny) has got it now so i hope they all get it soon or not,

our vet tells us it is 2weeks, but i will not bring my girls back that soon.

it is breaking my heart to hear my babies coughing like that, i will bring them back when i think they are ready.

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>my baby (penny) has got it now so i hope they all get it soon or not,

our vet tells us it is 2weeks, but i will not bring my girls back that soon.

it is breaking my heart to hear my babies coughing like that, i will bring them back when i think they are ready.

It's a horrid thing for them to have. Poor Penny she never even got to run. But that's the way that it is. As soon as one gets it the others do. Just a matter of time it's inevitable that it'll go through all of them.


2 weeks till they aren't going to pass it on to other dogs BUT for us who race we can't risk their lungs being damaged and need them to recover 100% it's longer.


The cough is like nowt else isn't it. Once heard never forgotten. :( I am constantly listening for one of mine to start. So far...................... touching wood.


I spoke to my homeopathic vet recently about prevention. He reckons that there isn't much that we can do. I had thought that they might get some immunity from having it previously but he says no, 'cause it mutates all the time. He confirmed what I thought re the 'normal' vet vaccinations for it - for the same reason. He is even less convinced that Homeopathic remedies will work but what the hell.


I'm giving mine 30c Kennel Cough the day before racing and 30c Pulsatilla the night that they've raced, both bought from Ainsworths. I'm hoping that this works. We kept KC free last year. I know I've cursed my dogs now. :( Oh and I'm giving mine garlic oil so at least they won't have dracula visit them :b .


Can't believe that it started right at the begining of the open season. But then we wouldn't really know if it had happend before would we. Damn KC is everywhere I'm thinking. No reason to panic or point fingers as it don't help. It just is and it's a right pain if your dogs get it. All you can do is hope and get 'em to the vets ASAP.


Hugs to your girls Dave. :huggles: There's pics of Penny in Lloyds photos isn't there. I'm sure that I recognise your teeshirt. Lovely sequence of her going onto the lure?


BeeJay said:
>my baby (penny) has got it now so i hope they all get it soon or not,
our vet tells us it is 2weeks, but i will not bring my girls back that soon.

it is breaking my heart to hear my babies coughing like that, i will bring them back when i think they are ready.

It's a horrid thing for them to have.  Poor Penny she never even got to run.  But that's the way that it is.  As soon as one gets it the others do.  Just a matter of time it's inevitable that it'll go through all of them.


2 weeks till they aren't going to pass it on to other dogs BUT for us who race we can't risk their lungs being damaged and need them to recover 100% it's longer. 


The cough is like nowt else isn't it.  Once heard never forgotten.  :(   I am constantly listening for one of mine to start.  So far...................... touching wood.


I spoke to my homeopathic vet recently about prevention.  He reckons that there isn't much that we can do.  I had thought that they might get some immunity from having it previously but he says no, 'cause it mutates all the time.  He confirmed what I thought re the 'normal' vet vaccinations for it - for the same reason.  He is even less convinced that Homeopathic remedies will work but what the hell. 


I'm giving mine 30c Kennel Cough the day before racing and 30c Pulsatilla the night that they've raced, both bought from Ainsworths.  I'm hoping that this works.  We kept KC free last year.  I know I've cursed my dogs now. :(   Oh and I'm giving mine garlic oil so at least they won't have dracula visit them :b .


Can't believe that it started right at the begining of the open season.  But then we wouldn't really know if it had happend before would we.  Damn KC is everywhere I'm thinking.  No reason to panic or point fingers as it don't help.  It just is and it's a right pain if your dogs get it.  All you can do is hope and get 'em to the vets ASAP.


Hugs to your girls Dave. :huggles:   There's pics of Penny in Lloyds photos isn't there.  I'm sure that I recognise your teeshirt.  Lovely sequence of her going onto the lure?


So sorry to here of KC breaking out every where, Its heart breaking, I personally feel there is only one solution to nip this in the bud :nuke: completly stop racing 100% at all tracks, 4 to 6 weeks minimum, then reaccess the sitution, we are all talking about it but nothing is beening done about it. Should all club secretarys contact each other, or is it down to common lease it we try to contain it, it wont get any worse. DO'S ANYBODY KNOW HOW THIS IS TRANSMITTED FROM DOG TO DOG :nuke: We are gettin so many theories but still we are not sure which is the right one, ARE THERE ANY REMEDIES OUT THERE 100% THAT CAN STOP THIS :rant:
Its transmitted in by droplets in the air when the dog coughs. I imgine that in racing it can be transmitted through saliva on the lure too.

The incubation period seems to be about 5-10 days so 2 weeks without racing would do a lot to help. Then everyone who was going to get it would know. Wouldn't stop you getting it from dogs outside of racing though :(

BeeJay said:
  Oh and I'm giving mine garlic oil so at least they won't have dracula visit them :b .
Well, if you can still see their reflections in the mirror then you know its working Barbara :lol:

Kennel cough is an infection of the airways not the lungs. I think that damage to the lungs is only done if your dogs has gotten secondary infections.
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Lloyd and I were chatting about this today. He says the prevailing wind at Andover was coming from the lower end of the field (trap end). Obviously with an airbourne infection, you may have slightly more risk if you were placed higher up the field. It can be passed on by direct contact, all dogs are weighed in and handled by the same people. It is just bad bloody luck if your dogs catch it.

As for the suggestion of postponing Opens planned in the next 2 weeks, it does seem like a good idea. It seems a shame for the clubs, but then again, it is such an infectious condition, will people want to stay away for fear of their dogs going down, thus depleting the entry? :unsure: ?

I don't know. :wacko:
BUT not ALL dogs show signs of having KC and those would still come racing after the 2 week period is up and spread it. Most of our dogs go out for walks when they aren't racing and they can pick it up from non racing dogs during the week.

Last year some dogs at a club got KC. The club was closed. Initially it appeared that the dogs had got it from racing and it was felt that it came from the open curcuit. BUT it turned out that KC was rife in the areas that the dogs lived in. Who knows where it came from. That club was closed for several weeks (I can't remember how long but it was over a month) because of KC and when they reopened after the first meeting a member's dogs came down with KC so they closed the club again. But none of the other club dogs got it and it was in the home area of the person whose dogs did come down with it and that owner blamed her locale not the club.

Kennel Cough
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Probably the only thing any of us can do is to be vigilant and watch out for symptoms, and act accordingly.

Hope all dogs are fighting fit and over the worst very soon :thumbsup:
well it is going through my girls like wildfire now abbie started today :( she looks so sad
Best to get them all over and done with Dave. :luck: For your girls :huggles: get well soon.
Sorry to hear that Dave :( Hope they are all feeling better soon.
conway said:
Joanna said:
telstar said:
Judy said:
Kennel Cough is a bloody nuisance. I'm actually quite glad we're not racing this weekend now. Each week we're probably all wondering wether our dogs have been unlucky enough to catch it or not. I just hope that nobody is daft enough to go back racing too soon.
thats us out for some time just got delter queen of hearts racing fit after her last illness now kennel cough struck her showing red is worse i have 9 whippets 4,s gone down with it not as bad as s red worryed about my older vets.Won't come back to racing unless i have all clear from vets which will be some time in the late season. :(

my baby (penny) has got it now so i hope they all get it soon or not,

our vet tells us it is 2weeks, but i will not bring my girls back that soon.

it is breaking my heart to hear my babies coughing like that, i will bring them back when i think they are ready.
Hi Conway's sorry to here your girl's have KC, Hope they come through it OK :clown: SEE YOU ALL SOON, Tina Colin, Craig BIG RON, DIAMOND GEEZER XXXXXXX
Just interested,how soon if a dog contracts it until you get symptoms or the all clear.
In most cases it takes 10 - 14 days for the coughing to start ......depending on the strain of kennel cough that it is as theres so many (a bit like the common cold in us) ........It is transmitted through nose to nose/saliva contact with an infected dog and is airborn, the virus can live about 24 hours on wherever it lands :unsure: ........Depending on the dog and its immunity, depends on how long the dog continues coughing, but its normally for a week or so .........As for the all clear there are many varied views .......I went to a talk on KC and the 1 expert said that in alot of cases a dog whos had KC can keep shedding the virus for up to 3 months and even life after they've caught it :eek: and it will become active at times when the dog is stressed, low etc 1 big circle ..........I personally think that there are definate carriers of KC that carry and transmit it to others ......I have seen 3 dogs that come to the kennels that go down with a slight cough, but any old/low dog goes down with full blown KC ...... Theres also a strain that can be passed to humans, and thus we can pass it back to the dog just through breathing/coughing the same air :blink: ........Even though its a pain if our dogs get the cough, in most cases is just like kids, they need to catch a few germs to build their immune systems (w00t) .....Just my opinion though :D
I spoke with the Racing Manager & Chairman today and unfortunaly due to the recent out break of Kennel Cough around the Open/Champs and at a few Clubs we have had to make a hard decission that The Lancashire is unable to accept any runners for our race meetings that have run at any other clubs in the last 3 weeks that may bring the infection to our club.

this rule will be in place for the next 4 weeks when we will revue the situation.


Sorry if this causes anyone any inconvieniance.
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It is heartbreaking to watch them Dave, we know just how you feel. It didn't stop ours wanting food though, so we probably spoilt them a bit more, and they quite enjoyed all the attention.

I have heard some people have been told their dogs are only infectious for 10 days after the coughing has stopped - our vet said 2 weeks - BUT are they talking about dogs who are just meeting other dogs out for a walk, or dogs that are standing next to another at a show? Perhaps they are not thinking about the fact that our racing dogs have more likelihood of passing it on for longer, as they are all breathing and snorting on each other when they get to the lure, and all are breathing harder. Having read articles on dogs shedding the virus for much longer than 2 weeks, I think personally, it would be more responsible to stay away from racing for at least 4 weeks (to be on the safe side). The problem we have is that some people are desperate to win points, and will race at all costs. I'm not talking about anyone in particular by the way, in case anyone thinks I'm getting at somebody - but everyone seems to be going on the two week thing.

I agree that it would be a good idea to cancel racing everywhere for a couple of weeks, so those dogs incubating it would have shown signs by the third week, and presumably be kept at home. How do you get all clubs to agree though? AND we are presuming that everyone is responsible - unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world, and not everyone is responsible :(

To cancel racing for any longer would be unfair to those whose dogs are running well, and those whose dogs haven't got kennel cough.
I think personally, it would be more responsible to stay away from racing for at least 4 weeks (to be on the safe side). The problem we have is that some people are desperate to win points, and will race at all costs. I'm not talking about anyone in particular by the way, in case anyone thinks I'm getting at somebody - but everyone seems to be going on the two week thing
It would be responsible to rest infected dogs for [SIZE=21pt]4-6 weeks [/SIZE]for their own protection. As in humans, exercise can cause increased strain on the heart/lungs following a viral/bacterial infection can lead to sudden death! Don't risk your pets, it isn't worth it!
Joanna said:
I think personally, it would be more responsible to stay away from racing for at least 4 weeks (to be on the safe side). The problem we have is that some people are desperate to win points, and will race at all costs. I'm not talking about anyone in particular by the way, in case anyone thinks I'm getting at somebody - but everyone seems to be going on the two week thing
It would be responsible to rest infected dogs for [SIZE=21pt]4-6 weeks [/SIZE]for their own protection. As in humans, exercise can cause increased strain on the heart/lungs following a viral/bacterial infection can lead to sudden death! Don't risk your pets, it isn't worth it!

i have been told that mine could race after 2 weeks BUT i wont be doing that.

as for putting a strain on their heart and lungs you would only do that if they caught a secendry infection.

kc is only a blistering of the throat not a lung infection.

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