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Kennel Cough

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I spoke to you loads..................

I let Archie and Fyn have a run at the end of the meeting whilst we were chatting, we spoke about the charity open?Remember?
Joanna said:
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!I spoke to you loads..................

I let Archie and Fyn have a run at the end of the meeting whilst we were chatting, we spoke about the charity open?Remember?

Sorry thought i remembered your name.... :wacko:

So many people so many names and then all different when on here :sweating:

Sorry your dogs have caught it.. :(

Hope all is better soon x
Hi all

I have been following this thread closely and watching my two for any signs, not that we've been to any opens or mixed much but you never know.

Anyway while walking them yesterday we met a 'friend' the dogs greeted each other. Our 'friend then happily told us poor old Jess has a cold, Jess then coughed. :eek: I froze with fear and said that KC was doing the rounds Oh she said totally clueless to the problem. Of course it only ever happens on bank holidays. She could just be a kackey dog I dont know, her owner says she is, but its still a worry

This morning I had a note through the door saying that her other dog was now coughing and she was taking her to the vets. Betsy and Daisy also went to the vets this morning for the vaccine hoping to avoid possible disaster (and we're supposed to be getting our pup sunday)

I phoned my friend to find out the outcome of her visit to the vets, she has some bug and is on abs, I asked if the vet had said if it was kc or not, this was neither confirmed or denied, I dont think she was even paying much attention to the vet. Plus she only took the one dog who was ill this morning, not the dog we met yesterday :wacko:

So now we have to wait and see if our two get ill or not, Daisy is in season so we weren't planning on going anywhere with her for the next month,( she is a bit mopey at the mo so how will I tell if shes ill.) But we were picking up our pup this coming weekend so its all a bit pearshaped here

Sorry to ramble but I am so :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: about the whole thing, lots of stress due to a 'friends' stupidity
Joanna said:
Without wanting to panic any-one...I am just off to the vet with Fynn! I think he has kennel cough. He is kecking like some-thing is stuck in his throat and has been up in the night and left foamy white blobs on the landing. I will confirm later here if we get a positive diagnosis, and will contact the club organisers we ran with at the week-end :(   This started last night, and that is 8 days after going to the Weyhill Open. I am presuming Dave's dogs caught it the week before or the one prior, but it is obviously being transmitted through the Open circuit.Should we cancel racing for a month? I am also most concerned about all the puppies that have been at these meetings............Please God they are all OK :(

But as the dogs can come down with KC as little as 2 days after contracting it.............. Look it on the vet web sites if you don't believe me Jo and others. :thumbsup:

My vet told me that in most cases the dogs come down with signs of it within a few days of contracting it it is only in some cases that it takes as long as 10 days. So

I just don't see that it's that easy to point to one event as being where a dog has got KC from.

Very sorry though if Fynn has come down with it Jo. As to whether racing should be cancelled well it's not compulsory for people to take their dogs racing. If someone is worried about the risks then they don't have to go.

Whilst racers are walking their dogs in places where other dogs are walked and racing is held in fields where non racing dogs are walked then racing dogs can get KC from there.

Give Fynn a hug from me. Hope that he's okay.
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Animal to animal by direct contact and airborne transmission. Incubation period is 3-10 days (average 6; in dogs). Infected animals (e.g. dogs) may shed the Bordetella organism for 3-4months after apparent recovery from the disease.

Kennel Cough

The incubation period from the time a dog is exposed until clinical signs appear varies depending on which infectious agent is the cause. In general it appears to be about 3 to 5 days with Bordetella.




Symptoms begin usually 3 to 5 days after exposure.


(w00t) wouldn't it be nice if they could agree.
Sorry about Archie & Fynn Jo :(

Hope they, and everyone else who has had it, recovers quickly. :luck:

No signs of anything here but we had it last year so I'm hoping mine have some immunity and that Lucas will be OK.

KC is a damn nuisance and I'll obviously be carefull where we go, especially with a puppy, but if we're gonna get it we'll get it. One of those things. :(

Horrified that it can live where it lands for 24 hours I didnt realise that.
BTW As far as I'm aware Worcester hasn't been cancelled that seems to be a rumour going around. They did the draw on Sunday and have 80 entered from what I've been told. AND unless they get lots of racers pulling out this week they are going to run.
BeeJay said:
BTW As far as I'm aware Worcester hasn't been cancelled that seems to be a rumour going around.  They did the draw on Sunday and have 80 entered from what I've been told.  AND unless they get lots of racers pulling out this week they are going to run.

It appears that Chris and Hannah's Connie may have it too, both of ours started coughing Monday afternoon, it appears that most folk have been seeing the signs 8 days after exposure (open).

The boys will be fine, we just need to take care with them and as you say Barb, it is up to the individual about going to events. It wouldn't stop me if my dogs were well but I might think twice if there was a particular event I wanted to attend in the not too distant future :)

Edit to say, I suppose the estimated times of incubation are different as it can be difficult to pinpoint when it was contracted generally. With this latest out-break, we can be 99.9% certain when our dogs were exposed to it due to the timing of the opens.
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It appears that Chris and Hannah's Connie may have it too, both of ours started coughing Monday afternoon, it appears that most folk have been seeing the signs 8 days after exposure (open). The boys will be fine, we just need to take care with them and as you say Barb, it is up to the individual about going to events. It wouldn't stop me if my dogs were well but I might think twice if there was a particular event I wanted to attend in the not too distant future

Edit to say, I suppose the estimated times of incubation are different as it can be difficult to pinpoint when it was contracted generally. With this latest out-break, we can be 99.9% certain when our dogs were exposed to it due to the timing of the opens.
We are 100% certain of the 8 day thing, as our dogs do not see any others unless we are racing. There are no dogs near where we live, and we only meet sheep, rabbits, and one damn black cat :eek: where we go for a walk.

Lots of the dogs are starting coughing on the Monday too, and there are too many going down with it at racing for it not to be being spread there.

Chris and Hannah are in for a noisy time then :( it was bad here with 5, and I think they have more dogs than us!

Infected animals (e.g. dogs) may shed the Bordetella organism for 3-4months after apparent recovery from the disease.

Luckily for us all, this doesn't seem to be the Bordetella strain. Or unluckily for those who have had the intranasal vaccine as it only covers Bordetella. The injectable vaccine covers Bordatella and Parainfluenza, but I wonder if that will be any good for this strain, as our dogs are routinely vaccinated for Parainfluenza at their yearly boosters, and it didn't work for ours. I personally think it is a different strain altogether that is going round, but I suppose we will only find out if someone has a dog who has been injected, but still then gets the cough.
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We are 100% certain of the 8 day thing, as our dogs do not see any others unless we are racing. There are no dogs near where we live, and we only meet sheep, rabbits, and one damn black cat :eek: where we go for a walk.

Lots of the dogs are starting coughing on the Monday too, and there are too many going down with it at racing for it not to be being spread there.



that is how we know without a shadow of a doubt we caught it at the whippet rescue (weyhill) :nuke:



Chris and Hannah are in for a noisy time then :( it was bad here with 5, and I think they have more dogs than us!



they could be lucky and not all of them get it (fingers crossed) :luck:
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OMG im really scared now, if Tilly and Bean have picked it up on sunday they would start showing symptoms in about 5/810 days right?

Then if they have it how long does it stay with them before it go's away then they have to be rested for a few weeks...

If they get it we will miss Gloucester open :( Tillys first one (well i was hoping it would be her first one)

I dont know much about it but can they die from it?? or will a trip to the vet be ok :(
Sorry Jo I hadn't read that your dogs had been deffo diagnosed when I wrote my earlier reply. :(

Damn shame about the timing. I know how much you were looking forwards to going to the charity open at Morton and the first Champs.

I've heard that Ray Jones has got rid of the old lures (burnt 'em) and got a new one also he's disinfecting the traps and the lure between races on the day. Got to hand it to him he's doing his best. :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear so many whippets are poorly with k c :( i have 7 down with k c all on anti-biotics the first 4 have stopped coughing just 2 left 2 go . I hope to take them on holiday in late august keeping my fingers crossed they will be all clear :unsure:
Judy said:
Its transmitted in by droplets in the air when the dog coughs. I imgine that in racing it can be transmitted through saliva on the lure too.
The incubation period seems to be about 5-10 days so 2 weeks without racing would do a lot to help. Then everyone who was going to get it would know. Wouldn't stop you getting it from dogs outside of racing though  :(

BeeJay said:
  Oh and I'm giving mine garlic oil so at least they won't have dracula visit them :b .
Well, if you can still see their reflections in the mirror then you know its working Barbara :lol:

Kennel cough is an infection of the airways not the lungs. I think that damage to the lungs is only done if your dogs has gotten secondary infections.

When i worked in intensive pig product we used a product called Virkon against pig pneumonia we sprayed buidings,feet,stock and it was very effective in stopping spread.

It might be useful to adopt a national policy of spraying traps and lure after each race

"Virkon S is a DEFRA approved disinfectant, and is active against viruses such as those that cause Foot and Mouth disease and Bird Flu - so if you are concerned about epidemics and pandemics, Foot and mouth Disease, Bird Flu etc, this is the product to go for. Approved by DEFRA against diseases of poultry order at a dilution of 1:280. Manufacturer's recommendation is to use it at 1:100. Safe enough that you can have your animals walking through the disinfectant in foot baths to ensure that they also aren't spreading disease with their feet.

Probably the most versatile disinfectant in the world, it can be applied on to the animal, its cage, or surroundings and will kill viruses fungi and bacteria quicker and at lower doses than most other products.

It is powerful yet safe to use with animals and around the home. Simple to mix and instantly ready to use".
Against my better judgement, both mine are on A/Bs. I have washed bedding, disinfected beds, and am rushing round with a cloth and antiseptic. As for myself, I will avoid contact with other dogs, have a good handwashing routine, and hopefully, fingers crossed, we won't infect any-one else.

My heart is breaking tonight, Archie (intolerant grumpy man) keeps checking Fynn is Ok when he has a little episode. Archie has only coughed once, but has swollen lymph glands. Poor Fynny, he'll be fine, but it is sad :( :( :(
My heart is breaking tonight, Archie (intolerant grumpy man) keeps checking Fynn is Ok when he has a little episode. Archie has only coughed once, but has swollen lymph glands. Poor Fynny, he'll be fine, but it is sad 
You do feel for 'em don't you. All dogs I've heard about having it have recovered quite quickly, so at least they don't suffer too long.

Don't worry Kim - it's very rare that dogs die of kennel cough - in fact they would only have problems at all if they were to get a secondary infection, and I believe this happens more often with the bacterial strain. Hannah said previously that kennel cough is just like us having a cold, they might feel rough for a couple of days, but then it's just the getting rid of it. It would be sad if yours did go down with it, just as you've got Tilly racing.

Anyone heard of any more cases this week? - we were hoping we wouldn't hear of any more after Andover.
they could be lucky and not all of them get it (fingers crossed) clover.gif

Cheers Dave, but with Connie down after only having been to Andover, it dosn't bode well .......Oh well these things are sent to try us ......Little Eir will have to wait to whoop ass lol :lol: ;) :lol:
Did anyone's dog sneeze before they started coughing? Tie & Holly have sneezed this evening. :eek: Am I paranoid? :blink:

Touched by Archie's concern for Fynn :huggles:
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Rae said:
Did anyone's dog sneeze before they started coughing?  Tie & Holly have sneezed this evening.  :eek: Am I paranoid?  :blink:
Touched by Archie's concern for Fynn  :huggles:

hi rae

when it starts it is just like they are trying to clear their throats, and then the cough starts. :(

dont panic it is not half as bad as i thought it was going to be :sweating:
Strike Whippets said:
they could be lucky and not all of them get it (fingers crossed) clover.gif

Cheers Dave, but with Connie down after only having been to Andover, it dosn't bode well .......Oh well these things are sent to try us ......Little Eir will have to wait to whoop ass lol :lol: ;) :lol:

Keep your chin up Hannah - I'm sure Miya will be fine :thumbsup:

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