- Messages
- 1,777
- Reaction score
- 2,706
- Points
- 113
What a week , we have had SIL staying and she is a mad as a box of frogs so Murphy has been on his best behaviour.
No trips out because we have to be around for her so just walkies at the local nature reserve. Murphy has been doing very well off lead lately we try to give him some time each day and use more than one ball so 'here' is a fun command because it means the second ball.. Trying to teach OH about setting him up to succeed rather than fail ie waiting until he runs off and then scream COME HERE...
so far so good.
An update on the otters is our WOW for this week. Taking a photo of Murphy when OH said 'behind you otter'
Turned in time to see the otter dash into the reeds, I ran along the bank to the pond in time to see a scene from jaws as an unsuspecting coot suddenly vanished in a flurry of wings and feathers.. Running back along the bank in time to see the otter emerge with the coot in its mouth cross the path and vanish down the other bank with its prey.. Of course I had the camera on the wrong setting wasnt focused and was so excited that all I got was a brown blur , but OH and I were jumping with excitement and Murphy was so bored he laid down!