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Poor Go With The Flow

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Thanks for the update Kay and Rob. I've been thinking about you and Flo alot. Sounds like she's making good progress. Whippets are amazingly tough dogs.

Gentle hugs to Flo and big hugs to yourselves.
so pleased to hear she continues to improve (however slow it is, any improvement is better than none) ;)

she is a lucky dog to have you both at her becka and call :thumbsup:

keep up the good work Flo.....your doing great :wub: :wub: :wub:

big huge hugs to you all.....and thanks for the update Kay/Rob
Thanks for the good positive news we have everything crossed here for Flo's continued improvement. We done for working so hard with he - it can't be easy :huggles:
Glad to hear Flo's improving and you seem to be doing everything you possibly can for her. She's a lucky dog to have such devoted owners. Duster carried on improving for about 6 months so I'm sure she'll get a lot better than she is now. Give her a k9 cuddle from us :huggles:
Glad to hear Flo's improving and you seem to be doing everything you possibly can for her. She's a lucky dog to have such devoted owners. Duster carried on improving for about 6 months so I'm sure she'll get a lot better than she is now. Give her a k9 cuddle from us :huggles:

Thanks Judy, - it's always good to hear from people who've experienced something similar. I hope Flo manages as well as Duster. We've noticed she's been moving that left back leg a little over the last few days (at last! :lol: ) Sometimes trying to place it down as she 'walks' and sometimes even managing to get the foot the right way round (though both these things don't always happen together, - but it's a start!) She still drags it on hard surfaces, so I have to hoist her back legs up in the sling to stop her toes getting scraped, (vetrap, plasters, socks - they all come off!) However, on the grass she 'walks' much better and seems to try harder.

She's also tried pushing herself up into a sort of sitting position a few times, - though doesn't quite know what to do when she gets there, but I guess it's all part of her beginning to get some co-ordination again.

We go back to see the specialist next Monday (by then it will be four weeks), so am just hoping that she'll be where she's supposed to be. :)
Bless her she is a little fighter :wub: We all MISS you Both at the INDY. :(
:luck: :luck: fingers crossed her improvement continues at this steady pace....... :luck: :luck:

keep up the hadr work you sure she would thankyou if she could ;)
So pleased to hear that Flo is continuing to improve. We are still thinking about you all. Good luck on Monday :luck:
Thanks everyone for your support, it really helps. :thumbsup:

Flo tried to stand up today (w00t) ...Very wobbly, but she managed to stay upright for a few seconds!

She seemed really pleased with herself! :)
:D :D Thats brilliant news Kay i bet you and Rob were over the moon :D :D
Thanks everyone for your support, it really helps. :thumbsup: Flo tried to stand up today (w00t) ...Very wobbly, but she managed to stay upright for a few seconds!

She seemed really pleased with herself! :)
:lol: I can just imagine you clapping and cheering like she'd just done a really clever trick.

So glad to hear more progress is being made. C'mon Flo, you can do it :huggles:
hi kay ive been checking daily on any progress you put on about flo and im so happy at your last update :) well done to you and rob but especially well done to flo :huggles: what a fighter and what a clever girl ,sending her a big hug from me and my gang :thumbsup: :huggles:
Flo had her second hydrotherapy session today. I was SO proud of her! She managed an extra 2 minutes in the underwater treadmill, - 5 minutes in total. :lol: The other big difference was that whereas last week her back legs were all over the place, today she really seemed to get the idea of the treadmill and she was trying SO hard to walk, - placing her legs one after the other and really concentrating!

She got a bit tired towards the end and the left back leg began wobbling again, but for most of the session she was using it and didn't seem to be knuckling it under either, - I could really see how the support of the water was helping her. The vet nurse said it was a big improvement and that both her back legs seemed stronger this time, even the weaker left one.

I don't think Flo is quite convinced as yet just how good it is for her and she didn't like the noisy drier much either, but the nurse gave her a few treats which went some way towards making up for it! :) She was very tired afterwards, but soon picked up at dinnertime. Here she is when we got back doing a spot of chilling out in the garden and getting her strength back!


Well she looks very happy there, and you're doing a great job with her - she is a very lucky girl to have such dedicated owners. Big hugs from us for you all :huggles:
I AM SO PLEASED THAT FLO IS IMPROVING SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY AND RELAXED IN THE GARDEN MORE GENTLE HUGS :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: AND LOTS OF LUCK :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Rob,Kay and Flo

I am just back from South Africa so have not been keeping a 'daily' watch on progress so what must seem slow progress to you seems almost miraculously quick to me. It seems to me that, with your help, Flo is doing extremely well and steadily getting there.

Pity the British and Irish Lions rugby team didn't do as well !

Best wishes

David and back from the dog minder Pete
Hi sorry to here about your little dog but it sounds as though she is doing well. Many years ago my Whippet Zephyr did the same thing she was only 4 and had a litter at the time. It happened in June and I must admit I didn't think she would walk again, but we did hydrotherapy and Accupuncture helped a lot My greatest joy was seeing her running on Hayle Beach in cornwall on Christmas day of the same year. She lived till she was 16 and though she was never 100% she lived a very full and happy life. Good luck with Flo
Thanks David, - good to hear from you, and also 'm155644' for your post. I do appreciate hearing from people whose dogs have done well in similar circumstances. :thumbsup:

Well, we have some FANTASTIC news! Flo took her first wobbly steps without the sling yesterday (w00t) . It's difficult to explain how it feels to see her using all four legs again when almost 5 weeks ago she had no use at all in either back leg. It makes us realise what a long way she's come and how much it helps to believe that things are possible.

5 weeks ago we had no idea whether she would make any kind of recovery or not, but we knew we had to give her every chance possible. The rest is due to Flo and her determination :) . Less than a week ago she was falling over each time she tried to take a step on her own. She's still very wobbly and the left back leg, though much improved still has a long way to go, but suddenly, she seems able to keep her balance - despite a lot of swaying about, and there is much less dragging and knuckling with her feet now. We are just amazed at her!

My heart is in my mouth every time I let her have a go 'on her own' now. We've had a few tumbles, especially when she tries to turn around, but she seems to be working out a kind of technique and the stronger right back leg is doing a lot of extra work steadying her. - We just have to hand over to her now. :sweating:

The specialist said that she would make the most progress over the first 4 months, though after that she could still improve but it would be at a slower pace. With time we are told, the left back leg will continue to strengthen and her balance improve, - though she will probably always have a bit of a wobble. We would settle for that. :huggles:

The hydrotherapy seems to be making a HUGE difference to her and though it leaves her very tired I can really see a change after each session in her confidence and the way she moves her legs. I suppose it's something to measure by. She is up to 6 and a half minutes in the water now!

I couldn't believe it when she got herself up and shakily walked those first few steps on her own, - I think I will always remember it. Even the other dogs both ran up to her wagging their tails, we were all so excited!

Right now we are just over the moon with her!
Thats great news rob and kay :thumbsup: .she is doing really well bless her :wub:

thank you for keeping use updated with flo :thumbsup:

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