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Poor Go With The Flow

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Thats such good news. Thank you for letting us know.
Great news! Sounds like she's making good progress. Its amazing how the body can repair itself :D
Fantastic news - so pleased for you all :D
Thanks David, - good to hear from you, and also 'm155644' for your post. I do appreciate hearing from people whose dogs have done well in similar circumstances. :thumbsup:
Well, we have some FANTASTIC news! Flo took her first wobbly steps without the sling yesterday (w00t) . It's difficult to explain how it feels to see her using all four legs again when almost 5 weeks ago she had no use at all in either back leg. It makes us realise what a long way she's come and how much it helps to believe that things are possible.

5 weeks ago we had no idea whether she would make any kind of recovery or not, but we knew we had to give her every chance possible. The rest is due to Flo and her determination :) . Less than a week ago she was falling over each time she tried to take a step on her own. She's still very wobbly and the left back leg, though much improved still has a long way to go, but suddenly, she seems able to keep her balance - despite a lot of swaying about, and there is much less dragging and knuckling with her feet now. We are just amazed at her!

My heart is in my mouth every time I let her have a go 'on her own' now. We've had a few tumbles, especially when she tries to turn around, but she seems to be working out a kind of technique and the stronger right back leg is doing a lot of extra work steadying her. - We just have to hand over to her now. :sweating:

The specialist said that she would make the most progress over the first 4 months, though after that she could still improve but it would be at a slower pace. With time we are told, the left back leg will continue to strengthen and her balance improve, - though she will probably always have a bit of a wobble. We would settle for that. :huggles:

The hydrotherapy seems to be making a HUGE difference to her and though it leaves her very tired I can really see a change after each session in her confidence and the way she moves her legs. I suppose it's something to measure by. She is up to 6 and a half minutes in the water now!

I couldn't believe it when she got herself up and shakily walked those first few steps on her own, - I think I will always remember it. Even the other dogs both ran up to her wagging their tails, we were all so excited!

Right now we are just over the moon with her!

Well done Flo!!!

I know exactly what you are feeling and how happy must you be.

Continued good luck.


Linda and Macey xxx
that is wonderful keep it op flo :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Thats fantastic so pleased...i had every faith in her to walk again

great news...keep going Flo :wub: :wub:
Thanks Sue and Jayne, - we're getting there slowly. She's still very wobbly, but getting more used to moving about under her own steam. We even managed a 5 min. walk up the road and back today! ...A little boy in a push-chair went past us and I heard him say to his Mum, 'Can we have one of those?' !!! :wacko: :lol:
You are doing an amazing job with Flo, well done you and well done her, so often people give up rather than let them try to help them back to a good life
Well done to Flo and to you for your commitment and love :thumbsup:

It is heartwarming to hear of the progress Flo has made and I wish her continued improvement :luck: :luck:
It was lovely to see FLO today at the indy :thumbsup: ,she was really enjoyed her today to be with all the other whippets and her friends :wub: .Kay and Rob looked relax with her, Flo was walking around very well bless her :wub: keep up the good work :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Just an update on Flo. We made a short visit to the indi with her today. She was very pleased to see all her chums again and even more pleased when she found she could tuck into some of the biscuits on offer! :)

She's still very wobbly on her left back leg, especially first thing in the mornings, but is much happier now she's able to get about unsupported, even though it does take her a long time to get herself up and sit down again (sitting down surprisingly seems to take a lot more effort than standing up). It's so hard sometimes for us to just stand back and let her struggle at these things, but we know that she has to try doing them on her own now and not become too dependent on us helping her out, - it's tough for all of us at times though.

We are up to between 5-10 mins lead walking on the grass now every morning and evening, though we take it slowly and a lot of it is 'sniffing about'. She gets tired quickly, but she really looks forward to it and is always keen to go out! The hydrotherapy lady suggested making up a small 'obstacle course' with plant pots for her to walk around and broom handles to step over, - the idea being that it might help her shift her weight better and lift her feet up over the poles, ( it's not quite Badminton but we have to start somewhere!) Flo can't see the point of it of course, but she does her best, (it has to be said, we've still not had a clear round yet! ) She just gives me that long-suffering look when she comes out and sees it, - 'Oh Mum, why do you make me do such SILLY things? Walking in a tank of water is bad enough!'

Am attaching a short video clip of her walking in the garden below. Apologies if it upsets anyone, but try to remember that 6 weeks ago she couldn't use either of her back legs at all. We know we still have a long way to go, but it's so good to see her gradually getting a bit more independent. We are so proud of her! :huggles:

Go With The Flow Video
wow isnt she looking great :thumbsup: shes coming on leaps and bounds now and its all down to your dedication :)
cant believe she so much like peggy used to be...shes done brilliantly

even now peggy not suppose to do steps and its definatly no stairs, they soon adjust their weight..peggy stands wider at her back end when she stands and at times sits while shes eating and when she wees she lop sided, she still finds hard to do the walking pace and is alot easier for her to trot(her accicent was two years ago nxt month and she has a good quality of life and enjoys her free runs, and she would catch the odd bunny if i allow her to do so!!)

youve done so well with her i bet your on cloud nine
Just waiting for the video to download. Sounds like she is doing fantastic. Will she put in a guest appearance at the Nationals? It would be lovely to see her and her progress.
Well, I watched it, and I am amazed at how well she is doing - it's brilliant Rob and Kay, we are soooo pleased xx
WOW Flo looks great. :D She's come so far in such a short space of time, & her little tail is still wagging! Fantastic to see her doing so well :D :wub:
She looks great, so happy, and maybe she will be slower than she was but look at that tail wag!
Oh that is wonderful to see, and all credit to your dedication. Way to go Flo ! Every best wish for her continued recovery.

WOW Flo looks great. :D She's come so far in such a short space of time, & her little tail is still wagging! Fantastic to see her doing so well :D :wub:
She looks amazing :) All credit to your love and faith and hard work- you can see how much she wants to please you- what a lovely happy girl, I'm sure she will continue to have a full and happy life :wub:

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