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  1. C

    Photography Tip's For K9ers

    Come on people ,give us afew tips :D
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    Snuggle Bug..

    She looks very comfertable in there :)
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    I'll try again, my thoughts exactly. clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    I'm a member of k9, which entitles me to join in on any debate, thats providing I keep to the rules of k9, which I will endeavour to do. Let me ask you if you are a member of the NNWRF? :oops: clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    What on earth as this got to do with this topic, I will say that I'm a member of the Green Party, and a member of my local bowling club (crown green) also a member of mensa, and thats not an abbreviation or a acronym. clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    About as much has having piles (w00t) lol clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    Who was HE? clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    Where did the drug testing kit come from clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    Good on you :thumbsup: enjoy your day off in the New Forest and watch out for them ponies kicking out :D clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    I know how he feels Sue, I would drop to sleep looking at the back of my wifes head all day while she's on the pc lol -_- :D clifford hanger
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    :oops: I ment to say Rodders :D ;) sharp shit
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    BWRA AGM / Testing etc etc

    I would like to hear Karens opinion on this ;) and what she as to say about miss mad not signing HER name :b :D clifford hanger
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    Nnwrf Constitution

    Wow Karen, looks like you spent all yesterday surfing! Some good points there :thumbsup: But a word of warning, when surfing make sure you keep your balance or you could be heading for a fall. And watch out for the sharks or you may get bitten (w00t) cliff hanger A O S A ;)
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    Nnwrf Members Meeting At Highgate

    Karen, this will be my last reply on this topic. I think you are blowing this up out of all porportion. I don't want to argue with anyone on k9, but where in my posts have I ever said that theft is legal? Even a child knows that it is wrong to steal! cliff ps courage, I know all about...
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    Nnwrf Members Meeting At Highgate

    Hi Karen, firstly please don't take my sense of humour the wrong way, but don't you think at times like this it takes the bitterness out of a sad and serious situation. I have read the whole thread over and over again,I fully agree with you about putting things to one side :thumbsup: but...
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    Nnwrf Members Meeting At Highgate

    Just thought with your reply that you knew Karen, but It seems I was wrong. I can and will find out thats for sure, and it won't be from a book ;) :D When I first saw your reply to me I thought it read WC :D interpret this as you wish :b P D T O T M R and I wish you well in your new...
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    Nnwrf Members Meeting At Highgate

    Hi Karen, cliff here. Not knowing much about commitee's could you enlighten me regarding the legal responsibilities they have to their membership? Just curious. cliff hanger ;)
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    N.n.w.r.f. Bend Superleague Championships

    Thank you for the up date Linda :thumbsup: cliff
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    Nnwrf Members Meeting At Highgate

    Don't get your bloomers in a twist Karen Platts :p I W O G M O (I was only giving my opinion) cliff hanger