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  1. C

    Whippet Health Survey Suspended

    Thanks to all who have participated in the health survey so far. It has been suspended temporarily because there is a small minority of people who are objecting to the format and questioning of the survey. The information of 230 dogs already collected will be stored and will not go to waste...
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    Whippet Health Survey

    The survey has been perused at the last Breed Council meeting, altered as advised and approved. Therefore it is official so keep filling the survey in. We are sorry that you have to do one for each dog, but that is the only way that it could be set up. Paper surveys will be coming out from the...
  3. C

    Whippet Health Survey

    The survey has been perused at the last Breed Council meeting, altered as advised and approved. Therefore it is official so keep filling the survey in. We are sorry that you have to do one for each dog, but that is the only way that it could be set up. Paper surveys will be coming out from the...
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    It sounds to me like you have been listening to too many American exhibitors, Lanny Perhaps Kerry will tell us just how many American exhibitors she knows. This one has never told her that and there are not too many others in the UK In all my years showing in the US...
  5. C

    Whippet Health Survey

    The EAWC has collated all of the information and has sent the results plus all of the surveys to the health coordinator of the Breed Council. If you would like a copy of the results you can email me at Health coordinator of EAWC
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    Scarlett & Dermot

    Anita She is lovely. Can't wait to see her in the ring. Phyllis
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    Snow Or Show

    Beautiful photos. Be sure to send one to the people who do the whippet calendar.
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    Stolen Whippet Puppies

    That is horrible. Have they posted them on Dog Lost? Also, have they postered the area?
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    East Anglian Whippet Club Health Survey

    As you know, the health of pedigree dogs has recently been brought into question. The Kennel Club has asked breed clubs to become involved , therefore we are requesting your cooperation with a health survey. On the whole we believe that our breed is relatively healthy, but we must not be...
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    For Tara

    That sounds like good news for Tara. I bet you do feel better knowing that things should right themselves.
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    For Tara

    We hope that is is nothing serious and that she will be back running soon.
  12. C

    A Sad Day

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words of condolences. This particular death is hitting me very hard as I was her breeder and was the first one to hold her in my hands and the last one to hold her in my hands. I am sure that many of you on here can relate to this as breeders. It is so...
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    Frozen Semen Litter In The Us

    [ When will you be arriving to claim your puppy? :shifty: We have massive thunderstorms coming in and they CAN'T be outside, so they are in their pen screaming bloody murder. I guess with a soft bed and fresh water and food and clean papers this is as clear a case of dog abuse as there ever...
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    Thanks Alison and Gill. I was really happy with the reserve when the puppy got that at her first show out, but was gob smacked with Melody's first. We missed you Hubs. We had to win today to keep up with Hub's win at WELKS. See you soon we hope. Phyllis
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    British And American Whippets

    That is a good pic of Monty, Alison. He has gone international.
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    Genetics, Health And Breeding?

    Has anyone mentioned Cushings?
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    The Whippet Club

    What a day! Well done to you and your lovely boy.
  18. C

    Genetics, Health And Breeding?

    One puppy from a litter that I bred in the US had a strong reaction to the Lepto vaccine. One puppy which I purchased in the UK has had a mild reaction to the Lepto vaccine. Would you really consider this an autoimmune inherited disease? I personally would not.
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    The Whippet Club

    WELL DONE TO CATHIE, IRENE AND LIZZIE FOR THEIR BEST IN SHOW We Bluestreak Babes are very proud of you.