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  1. D

    F.a.o Dennis Green

    Great pictures Trish. There certainly is a family resemblance between Phoebe and Beauty and as you say there are traits which Millie & Beauty have in common.
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    Whippet Racing On Telly

    I saw the programme Vicky and the whippets. I thought that it was a good advert for both your club and whippet racing in general.
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    Cheshire Game & Angling Fair 20th August

    Thanks to everyone who helped the lure coursing at the Cheshire Game and Angling Fair be the success that it was. It went off much better than I could have hoped for. Getting the crowd that we pulled was fantastic and all the dogs, whippets, terriers, lurchers and "others" certainly enjoyed...
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    Cheshire Game & Angling Fair 20th August

    I have just got back from Peover Hall where I met the person who is running the Lurcher display. There will also be terrier racing. All events will be open to spectators dogs. (Whatever breed!)
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    Cheshire Game & Angling Fair 20th August

    This year there will be a lure coursing demonstration run by members of the Northern Pedigree Whippet Racing Club at the Cheshire Game and Angling Fair held at Peover Hall, just south of Knutsford, Cheshire, on Sunday next, 20th of August. After the main 8 dog stake, if there is time, and I hope...
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    Whippet Race Result

    Well done Lesley, Andy & Co. What a good result! It was also great to see so much raised for the RGT. You must be, quite rightly, very pleased Mark.
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    Barf Again.

    We have been going to the same family run butchers for many many years. We buy most of our meat from them and, over time have got to know the family. We have been taking our dogs to Ireland for several years and the butchers over there are very very generous. When we ask if they have any bones...
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    Barf Again.

    I have been feeding my tibetan terrier on the barf diet for over 4 years and the two whipets since they were 8 weeks old. (They are now 3.5 and 2 years old). I have never really thought seriously about the cost until this thread and Simon's initial question. As I needed to completely restock...
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    I have been feeding raw meat and vegetables to my dogs for the past four years and they are thriving! The main meat is chicken in the form of carcasses or wings. It is usually frozen as I buy a months supply at a time and obviously that is the only way of keeping it. I have been interested in...
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    Magic's First Rabbit.

    The image of the pair was too big. Hopefully this time it will be right.
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    Magic's First Rabbit.

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    Magic's First Rabbit.

    Hopefully this is a photo of both Magic & Beauty.
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    Magic's First Rabbit.

    After 3.5 years I had almost given up on Magic ever catching a rabbit. But today he caught and killed his first rabbit. Admittedly it was a small one but is was a rabbit. The first thing that he did when we got home was to let Beauty eat it. What a gentleman!
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    Narrow Dog To Carcassonne

    Hi Ponygirl, thanks for the website address. An interesting read especially as it appears that there will be another book about a journey in America.
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    Narrow Dog To Carcassonne

    I am about three quarters of the way through this book and agree that the descriptions of whippets are very good. I find the style of writing a little odd but that apart it is a good and interesting read. Having been on a narrow boat holiday several years ago, there is no way that I would...
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    Just come back from having my three vaccinated this morning. Cost per dog, £28.12 which included free general health check and nails clipped, if needed.
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    Thanks Mark & Claire, I will now be able to get a new muzzle before the weekend.
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    I have just managed to run over one of the whippets muzzles. It's as flat as a pancake! Beyond repair. Could somebody please let me have the number of Greyhound Megastores. They haven't advertised in the latest Whippet News. Thanks
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    Congratulations Roxy. I look forward to seeing at least a couple of the pups at the Northern in due course.
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    Food For Whippets

    My two whippets live on the BARF diet with no ill effects and I race them both. Some contributers to this forum have other views but both of my whippets and my wife's tibetan terrier enjoy chicken wings and carcasses plus breast and neck of lamb plus raw minced veg and offal etc.