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  1. H

    Help - my 3 year old labrador just bit someone...

    I'm completely shocked and confused. My 3 year old Labrador has just bitten someone we know in the village having never shown aggressive behaviour before. He runs around outside a lot during the day (in a very excitable manner, he's an overgrown puppy) and we have a gate at the bottom of the...
  2. Street dog shelter

    Hi Folks, Do you remember us

    Yes The SDS Street Dog Shelter The Event As you all know Street dog shelter is raised from scrap organisation from India Which is providing shelters and life support for street dogs in India. Now we are really glad to announce you all about our New custom Tee...
  3. Drawn & Drafted

    Introducing Drawn & Drafted Pet Portraits!

    My name is Frances and I am the artist behind Drawn & Drafted! I have always loved to draw and it seemed only natural to draw what I love the most - dogs! I offer hand-drawn, realistic pet portraits and also quirky illustrations if you are looking for something a little different. A portrait...
  4. OliviaS

    My dog only loves food

    We adopted our Alaskan Malamute/husky (alusky) last summer. He has gone through 7 families before and I think I'm starting to see why. He literally only cares about food. He only comes to us to socialise when there is food on the table. I have had a husky before and he was rescued by me and...
  5. M

    Video of my Shiba Inu!

    Made a short video showing my Shiba Inu!
  6. Crazy Dog Man

    Lady Carter to have her very own YouTube series

    As you know, Lady has her own fan club on Facebook, now she's going to have her very own YouTube series. Her YouTube channel will soon be up and running featuring funny videos, her having fun on her favourite field and her going for walks. There'll also be videos of her trying to trying to...
  7. Crazy Dog Man

    Lady has a Facebook fan page

    Lots of people love Lady so back in winter 2016 I created a Facebook fan page for people to like and follow. It has photos of Lady, photos of me with Lady then photos of the family household etc. Here's the link Lady's Relly We called it Top Dog because of the HMV JRT :D:p
  8. Crazy Dog Man

    I'm going to be adopting a rescue dog!

    I'm moving out of my cramped flat and finally getting away from my horrible neighbours. I was thinking of adopting a JRT but they can be quite a handful with their energy. I thought about a German Shepherd but my mother isn't too keen on me owning saying that they're aggressive but in my...
  9. Valamist

    After and incident with an electric fence, dog keeps hiding when I try and put him on a lead...

    Hello everyone! So, I am having an issue with my Jack Russell. A bit of backstory, a few months ago I took our dog Kevin out for a walk around the film which we have walked hundreds of times before. That day was different because, unaware to us, a new farmer had replaced the normal fencing with...
  10. Crazy Dog Man

    Is anyone going to see the new film Isle Of Dogs?

    I've seen A Dogs Purpose which made me laugh and cry. It was a very heartwarming movie. I saw the advert for Isle Of Dogs and I like a lot of movies with talking animals and it looks very interesting. From what it says on Wikipedia it's about some outbreak of dog flu spreading around in a new...
  11. Crazy Dog Man

    Lady exhausted from the hot sunshine

    It's been a while since I last posted on here. I finally patched things with my mother and got to see Lady the JRT whilst visiting my parents. My mother and I took Lady for a nice long walk in the beautiful sunshine but it was a very hot day so passed on on the couch. Here's some of the...
  12. Violet Turner

    Crossbreeding Advantages and Disadvantages

    What is a cross breed? A cross breed is an individual animal that has pure bred parents but of different breeds. Cross breeding is sometimes called designer crossbreeding. This is process of breeding an animal often with the intention to create off-spring that share the traits of both parents...
  13. Violet Turner

    Really Dry Skin

    Late last night I got a phone call from the doggie sitter and what she said was; I have noticed that Olive has got really dry flaky skin on her belly, teats and inner legs. What could it be? Could it be a protein deficiency? As I know that it can create flaky skin. Could it be atopic dermatosis...
  14. Violet Turner

    Keep eyes open please

    Please if you live in this area then keep your eyes open for this dog - VetsGetScanning on Twitter
  15. R

    Most important health benefits and vitamins for dogs

    How important is it to you to buy healthy food for your dog? type appropriate response: Very Important / Quite Important / Not Particularly Important / Not Important. Choose 3 of these 20 health benefits and vitamins in order of importance 1 - most important 2 - very important 3 -...
  16. Violet Turner

    Black and White

    Can dogs just see black and white? or more colours? I have always wondered this is it true, or have I been told lies all my life? I’m very curious to see your replies. I will learn something new hopefully :)
  17. Street dog shelter

    suggestions please!!

    As i have already mentioned on my rescue story tom's legs got paralyzed in a car hit now our surgeons saying that he can't walk again so that they recommended to use a dog wheelchair or Dog kart but i have no idea about that so anyone please suggest me a good Dog kart or wheelchair please
  18. Street dog shelter

    Help needed!It's an "emergency"

    one of the dog from our shelter (Dime) is suffering from cancer we had arranged a fundraiser for him please help by donating or sharing Thank you Dime's fundraiser-Click here to support "Dime recovery funds"
  19. Rachel2832

    Dog has started whining when alone again

    My Labrador is almost 2. I’ve used a crate as she chews things when left alone for longer than an hour. She didn’t like it when she a pup, then I stopped using it as she was ok alone, then I moved house and she chewed lots when alone, so I got a big crate and she took to it really well, went in...
  20. Street dog shelter


    One of the team member of SDS had sent me this pic i don't know the origin of this pic but love to see this again and again