nightmare hely isnt it ,hope you get some answers ,although i would imagine the head will try and deny the problems as they dobloody hell......cctv in the loo's...whatever they have lots of problem kids at the school trac?...maybe they have kids going in there smoking.....!!!!!bloody nightmare isnt it !!!
you want to tell Lee to wear his PE kit and if they say anything ...tell him to say he has come as a schoolboy doing PE....what they gonna do
The school have just applied to for betsy is the same one that liberty goes to, i have just heard really bad reports about it .....not sure what to do now......they are really well trained for dyslexia and adhd...but have really bad problems with bully's and girls that are lets say......"troubled".....lots of parents are complaining that the teachers are spending most of their time dealing with the naughty ones......i cant afford to have betsy in a school like that !!!!
we have a open evening there on the gonna go and speakto the head !!!
why cant things be straight forward !!
the next nearest school would be wallingford or wantage...she would have to either get a lift or get the bus......!