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Need Positive Thoughts For Polly

all good thoughts coming from here :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Very best of luck with Polly's operation :luck: - I assume they will be sending the lump off for histology so you know exactly what you are dealing with - hope she recovers well :huggles:
:luck: :luck: :luck: Lots of hugs and good thoughts for Wednesday and a special cuddle for when you're both safely home and it's all over. :huggles:

Zoomie says he's delighted to have a protegy to mentor and any time Polly would like tips and hints he's be more than pleased. Meantime, he'll just jump up and down on the spot and send you special kisses down the internet :* :* :* (he thinks Polly is a very beautiful girl :wub: )
:luck: :luck: :luck: to you both for Wednesday, please let us know that everything went ok :huggles:
Good luck for Wednesday Polly! :luck: :luck: :wub: :wub:

Sorry you've not been well Janet. :huggles: :huggles:
Spoke to vet this morning and I will stay with Polly until she is asleep, wait in my car until she is awake again (about 2 hours they think) then I can bring her home :thumbsup: This will save me driving 18 miles round trip twice - very hard for me at the moment as my MS is causing my arms to be very weak and painful and driving is difficult.

I'll take a good book and a warm rug and a hot drink and I'll be fine waiting for her.

I'm so pleased they are letting me do this. :)

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone. I'll let you know how she gets on.

Yes, I intend to ask for histology to be done (I think he plans this anyway) and also her claws cut while she is asleep!!!!! (w00t)
Lots of good thoughts for you and Polly on Wednesday :luck:
loads and loads of positive thoughts coming your way, but they'll have to be from me and the girls, dopey boys can really only think about cats :wacko:

good luck pretty Polly :luck: :luck:
:luck: Polly.

Holly & Tie have both had lumps removed and they were fine. The hole where Holly's had been filled up with fluid and Gary had to drain it off (he's a nurse :) ) otherwise we would have had to take her back to the Vets again.

Fingers crossed it's nothing and she'll be fine. I always stay with Holly when she's had to have an op, until she is sedated, I don't if it's worse for me or her :b
:luck: :luck: Good luck pretty Polly :luck: :luck:

Sending you both loads of good vibes for tomorrow :huggles: She looks like such a sweet girl :wub:
good luck polly for tomorrow. :luck: :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
I hope all goes as well as can be expected :luck: :thumbsup:
Best of luck with everything today. It will be just fine. I liked your pictures at the beginning of this thread. :luck: :thumbsup:
:luck: Hope it all goes okay today :luck:

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