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billyboy45 said:
dazgail said:
The craic is good. Billy, if you believe that greyhound x whippet crosses are not lurchers i guess you won't be at any lurcher events with your up and coming pups? Ha ha get out of that one and i guess that all the lurcher races and trophies you have won with a greyhound x whippet cross in the past should be handed back and your name removed from the titles.Markbrick, i havn't back tracked on anything....for me a greyhound x whippet will always be a lurcher. If some recognised doggy persons want to segregate different types of lurchers from others that's up to them.

Interesting enough it makes me wonder that those involved in a bit of contoversy and doting i's and t's are the ones who are forever complaining and moaning at the lurcher events. :cheers:

By the way lets all not get too serious and get off our high chairs, its all a bit of banter. :huggles:

Not a problem.Get out of that one you say.OK where do we start.Firstly,i have never denied to anyone in my life that my dog's n bitches where anything other than what they were,so when i entered them in races,i was at the time racing against mostly other Whippetxgreyhounds,that i might add were brought from here there and just about everywhere to try and beat me,All failed.The only way they could beat me was to get rid of me ,and i wont go into that just yet.When i raced there was a lot of competition,not like the past few years when there been nothing much other than a few collie x to race against.until recently.See i wasnt racing my WhippetxGreyhounds against youre average lurchers,back then,so it was similar to None Peds.Might i add that none of the stuff that was brought across from England to beat me ever beat my own breeding.IN 7 All Ireland under 23,i was unbeaten,with a father and daughter team of my own breeding.When i retired i retired unbeaten,having never lost an under 23 final.If they hadnt got rid of me,i would still be unbeaten.Ithink wee MEGAN proved that at 6 1/2 years of age .And as for giving back my trophies,no problem,titles no problem,so long as everyone else who holds the same titles,only all with 7/8 whippetxgreyhounds,as to my 1/2 breds and 3/4 breds do the same.What i won i won with my own breeding,that i started from scratch,20 years ago.Now,how many of the rest of you's can say that.Miss Ellie came from England,never beat me,Molly Stag came from England,never beat me,Dellboy beat me once,after Silver was Cripled in England,and couldnt run anymore.Many others came and went way back then,and still couldnt beat me .In fact the only person to beat me was Geoff Fletcher,and that was in his back garden n not mine.And over a distance that only Whippets should be running,as my dogs were used to and trained for 500 yrd ers.And Tarn was lamping rabbits the night before ,on the way down,as i forgot the dogs grub.and i have proof of this.She caught 13 rabbits out of about 25 and the white bitch caught the other 5.How many racing men would have done this and would still have dogs to race the next morning.As for taking my pups to lurcher shows,i think most cater for Whippetx now,and if im ever asked by an organizer not to race or show my pups ,then again i will have no problem.I would also like to add ,that i hope you are not refering to myself as moaning and complaining at lurcher shows,as i think ive only ever met you at a few,where i dont think i was taking part in any showing or racing,OH sorry,i did meet you at one show where i was taking part in the racing ,and guess what,i beat youre 7/8,4 times,All Ireland and CHATSWORTH Champion,in the final,with a bitch that couldnt even in my oppinion ,run as she was only 50%fit,and had only ever in my ownership raced 3 times,and i have her from she was 11 months of age.OK I didnt breed her,in fact i only bought her because she was going to a home where dogs had been starved to death,and i wasnt prepared to let this happen.I never raced her till she was 3 years old,as i didnt want to take someone elses glory,and anyway i didnt think she was good enough,as she wouldnt have got near my own breeding.But guess what,she met and beat,what was supposed to be the fastest bitch to ever race over here.Met her once,beat her once.OH and by the way,she is also a 7/8 bitch,before anyone says anything,and i will probibly be breeding her to a Greyhound called Mineola Farloe,next season,so i am taking orders now for my 15/16,pups.Ha Ha,only joking.She will probibly be bred to a coursing Whippet,or 1/2 bred,Maybe even Hellbound,if wee MEGAN'S pups to him make the grade.OOOPPPPSSS,letting out secrets.Darren,you challenged me to get out of that one.(Shouldnt have done that)Things like this, bring the old me back.Sorry mate ,but im not perfect,and never will be. ...Billy...

billy you seem so genuine to me and i wish some others on here would be like you ,ive just got in from lamping and i know mr palmer has seen this thread and decided to ignore it ,but now the truth is out and i suppose he can tell all the lurcher shows how he runs a virtuall greyhound at there events ,this will be interesting??????i think a lot of you on here are to far up each others arses to face the facts and you know me and my number to come to me direct and not bother with bitching behind my back.There is nobody on this forum who could call me a liar as ive told the truth
Hey Mark,i've got a confession :b just been back and looked at Rodders breeding and guess what I found........He's 6/8ths not 7/8ths.Still whats an 8th among friends :p Only looked cause a good mate told me too :cheers: :D Karen
whats an 8th among friends
A Happy night LOL

markbrick said:
billyboy45 said:
dazgail said:
The craic is good. Billy, if you believe that greyhound x whippet crosses are not lurchers i guess you won't be at any lurcher events with your up and coming pups? Ha ha get out of that one and i guess that all the lurcher races and trophies you have won with a greyhound x whippet cross in the past should be handed back and your name removed from the titles.Markbrick, i havn't back tracked on anything....for me a greyhound x whippet will always be a lurcher. If some recognised doggy persons want to segregate different types of lurchers from others that's up to them.

Interesting enough it makes me wonder that those involved in a bit of contoversy and doting i's and t's are the ones who are forever complaining and moaning at the lurcher events. :cheers:

By the way lets all not get too serious and get off our high chairs, its all a bit of banter. :huggles:

Not a problem.Get out of that one you say.OK where do we start.Firstly,i have never denied to anyone in my life that my dog's n bitches where anything other than what they were,so when i entered them in races,i was at the time racing against mostly other Whippetxgreyhounds,that i might add were brought from here there and just about everywhere to try and beat me,All failed.The only way they could beat me was to get rid of me ,and i wont go into that just yet.When i raced there was a lot of competition,not like the past few years when there been nothing much other than a few collie x to race against.until recently.See i wasnt racing my WhippetxGreyhounds against youre average lurchers,back then,so it was similar to None Peds.Might i add that none of the stuff that was brought across from England to beat me ever beat my own breeding.IN 7 All Ireland under 23,i was unbeaten,with a father and daughter team of my own breeding.When i retired i retired unbeaten,having never lost an under 23 final.If they hadnt got rid of me,i would still be unbeaten.Ithink wee MEGAN proved that at 6 1/2 years of age .And as for giving back my trophies,no problem,titles no problem,so long as everyone else who holds the same titles,only all with 7/8 whippetxgreyhounds,as to my 1/2 breds and 3/4 breds do the same.What i won i won with my own breeding,that i started from scratch,20 years ago.Now,how many of the rest of you's can say that.Miss Ellie came from England,never beat me,Molly Stag came from England,never beat me,Dellboy beat me once,after Silver was Cripled in England,and couldnt run anymore.Many others came and went way back then,and still couldnt beat me .In fact the only person to beat me was Geoff Fletcher,and that was in his back garden n not mine.And over a distance that only Whippets should be running,as my dogs were used to and trained for 500 yrd ers.And Tarn was lamping rabbits the night before ,on the way down,as i forgot the dogs grub.and i have proof of this.She caught 13 rabbits out of about 25 and the white bitch caught the other 5.How many racing men would have done this and would still have dogs to race the next morning.As for taking my pups to lurcher shows,i think most cater for Whippetx now,and if im ever asked by an organizer not to race or show my pups ,then again i will have no problem.I would also like to add ,that i hope you are not refering to myself as moaning and complaining at lurcher shows,as i think ive only ever met you at a few,where i dont think i was taking part in any showing or racing,OH sorry,i did meet you at one show where i was taking part in the racing ,and guess what,i beat youre 7/8,4 times,All Ireland and CHATSWORTH Champion,in the final,with a bitch that couldnt even in my oppinion ,run as she was only 50%fit,and had only ever in my ownership raced 3 times,and i have her from she was 11 months of age.OK I didnt breed her,in fact i only bought her because she was going to a home where dogs had been starved to death,and i wasnt prepared to let this happen.I never raced her till she was 3 years old,as i didnt want to take someone elses glory,and anyway i didnt think she was good enough,as she wouldnt have got near my own breeding.But guess what,she met and beat,what was supposed to be the fastest bitch to ever race over here.Met her once,beat her once.OH and by the way,she is also a 7/8 bitch,before anyone says anything,and i will probibly be breeding her to a Greyhound called Mineola Farloe,next season,so i am taking orders now for my 15/16,pups.Ha Ha,only joking.She will probibly be bred to a coursing Whippet,or 1/2 bred,Maybe even Hellbound,if wee MEGAN'S pups to him make the grade.OOOPPPPSSS,letting out secrets.Darren,you challenged me to get out of that one.(Shouldnt have done that)Things like this, bring the old me back.Sorry mate ,but im not perfect,and never will be. ...Billy...

billy you seem so genuine to me and i wish some others on here would be like you ,ive just got in from lamping and i know mr palmer has seen this thread and decided to ignore it ,but now the truth is out and i suppose he can tell all the lurcher shows how he runs a virtuall greyhound at there events ,this will be interesting??????i think a lot of you on here are to far up each others arses to face the facts and you know me and my number to come to me direct and not bother with bitching behind my back.There is nobody on this forum who could call me a liar as ive told the truth

Mark wise up, stop bickering. NOONE GIVES A DAMN. They are not virtualy Greyhounds they are LURCHERS LURCHERS LURCHERS LURCHERS FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really need to school yourself on what a Greyhound and a Lurcher is. YOU GOT BEATEN get into it and get yourself a 7/8th if you think its unfair and give everyones HEAD PEACE! ;)
LETS get on with a good season racing and coursing all we want to do is have some fun with our dogs.and meet people who want to do the same,this is getting silly now what a carry on all i shall say is CARRY ON RACING
As far as i am concerned the non-peds from England that have been introduced to the lurchers in Northern Ireland have improved the speed of the lurchers over here in the past few years and i believe it was a step forward but that is my opinion only. In recent years those who have travelled over to England to race and show their lurchers have done so quite successfully. I have always commended those who have kept and bred their dogs year in and year out as i could never do it. I had a few years of fun and i'm happy at i intend to keep my dogs for life...and that isn't a dig at those who don't. I know the work that needs to be put in to just getting a dog race fit never mind the breeding side of things and i had just the one dog never mind 3 or 4 or even more. It is also my view that my dogs are lurchers and that's why i raced and showed them at lurcher shows...people can prefer to disagree with that if they like...that's up to them. Personally speaking i love the look and shape of greyhound x whippet crosses as they look so streamline and athletic. Just because a dog has got greyhound x whippet breeding does not mean it will be a flying machine...though it usually does help. There are plently of slow greyhound x whippet crosses and not all the non-peds because of their breeding will entitle them to be speed merchants so don't be too presumptious as too think that just because a collie cross lurcher can beat some greyhound x whippet crosses or non-peds that it is capable of beating them all. Again for me the ultimate test is the Non-ped open races or the championships or derbies etc. As far as i'm aware there are only a few people who have been successful at both lurcher racing and non-peds with the same dogs or breeding namely Geoff Fletcher, Gary Farmer and others...sorry if i have missed any names out as i don't know everyone. There are plenty of well bred greyhounds out there also which couldn't run the length of themselves and i'm sure that some dolly mixture breeding could beat at a race. I'm fed up with all this my dog is better than your dog etc etc etc. I'm away to walk my lurchers.
i dont think its a point of my dog is better then yours, mine and mikes dogs are bred for 2 completly differant things mine are better at one, and mikes are at the other, as i have smaller dogs and mikes got bigger ones we really never need to compete against each other,I did as someone without my knowledge put a thread up saying race,upto that i had never said one bad word against mike and he came on saying my dogs are average, SO WHAT this year will see????? i carried this on as mike said his dog was not 7/8th to this day after all the evidence has been put forward we all know that is the minimum they are but who cares?????? MIKE today your young freind joe came around and read this with great interest and went away more knowledgable i even played pool against him and beat him 7 1 are 7/8 which ever way you see it, also he showed me a video of ellie on the track the one she was facing the wrong way in the trap last week, she give them dogs 20 lenghs to make up ground and finish 2nd what a fantastic run anyway hope theres no bad feelings mark
I have one question and then i will leave this topic ,unless i am pulled back into it.A Whippetx greyhound is as some say a lurcher .When it is regestered as a none ped Whippet,does it then cease to be a lurcher,as it is no longer classed as one,and i think that if it is regestered as a none ped Whippet,then it is realy up to the organizers whether or not it races at lurcher shows.And to be honest,how many lurcher show organizers know whether it is or not.It realy boils down to how honest the owner is.We have no other option than to race at lurcher shows ,as we have nothing else.So i think it only fair to pull out of this topic as it no longer interests me. .... Billy....
I think Billy,things will continue at lurcher shows as they have before.Everyone made welcome no matter what type of dog they have.The banter that takes place on K9 will be one of the talking points at the shows in the summer.There'll be some p..s taking for sure,but it will all be given and taken in good spirit.The one thing we've all got is a sense of humour. :D For anybody who doesn't believe me look for Mark and Mike at the first show they attend together and you'll find them laughing about this whole topic. :D Karen
Mark wise up, stop bickering. NOONE GIVES A DAMN. They are not virtualy Greyhounds they are LURCHERS LURCHERS LURCHERS LURCHERS FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really need to school yourself on what a Greyhound and a Lurcher is. YOU GOT BEATEN get into it and get yourself a 7/8th if you think its unfair and give everyones HEAD PEACE! ;)

By Baby 1 post 84
Last edited by a moderator:
billyboy45 said:
dazgail said:
The craic is good. Billy, if you believe that greyhound x whippet crosses are not lurchers i guess you won't be at any lurcher events with your up and coming pups? Ha ha get out of that one and i guess that all the lurcher races and trophies you have won with a greyhound x whippet cross in the past should be handed back and your name removed from the titles.Markbrick, i havn't back tracked on anything....for me a greyhound x whippet will always be a lurcher. If some recognised doggy persons want to segregate different types of lurchers from others that's up to them.

Interesting enough it makes me wonder that those involved in a bit of contoversy and doting i's and t's are the ones who are forever complaining and moaning at the lurcher events. :cheers:

By the way lets all not get too serious and get off our high chairs, its all a bit of banter. :huggles:

Not a problem.Get out of that one you say.OK where do we start.Firstly,i have never denied to anyone in my life that my dog's n bitches where anything other than what they were,so when i entered them in races,i was at the time racing against mostly other Whippetxgreyhounds,that i might add were brought from here there and just about everywhere to try and beat me,All failed.The only way they could beat me was to get rid of me ,and i wont go into that just yet.When i raced there was a lot of competition,not like the past few years when there been nothing much other than a few collie x to race against.until recently.See i wasnt racing my WhippetxGreyhounds against youre average lurchers,back then,so it was similar to None Peds.Might i add that none of the stuff that was brought across from England to beat me ever beat my own breeding.IN 7 All Ireland under 23,i was unbeaten,with a father and daughter team of my own breeding.When i retired i retired unbeaten,having never lost an under 23 final.If they hadnt got rid of me,i would still be unbeaten.Ithink wee MEGAN proved that at 6 1/2 years of age .And as for giving back my trophies,no problem,titles no problem,so long as everyone else who holds the same titles,only all with 7/8 whippetxgreyhounds,as to my 1/2 breds and 3/4 breds do the same.What i won i won with my own breeding,that i started from scratch,20 years ago.Now,how many of the rest of you's can say that.Miss Ellie came from England,never beat me,Molly Stag came from England,never beat me,Dellboy beat me once,after Silver was Cripled in England,and couldnt run anymore.Many others came and went way back then,and still couldnt beat me .In fact the only person to beat me was Geoff Fletcher,and that was in his back garden n not mine.And over a distance that only Whippets should be running,as my dogs were used to and trained for 500 yrd ers.And Tarn was lamping rabbits the night before ,on the way down,as i forgot the dogs grub.and i have proof of this.She caught 13 rabbits out of about 25 and the white bitch caught the other 5.How many racing men would have done this and would still have dogs to race the next morning.As for taking my pups to lurcher shows,i think most cater for Whippetx now,and if im ever asked by an organizer not to race or show my pups ,then again i will have no problem.I would also like to add ,that i hope you are not refering to myself as moaning and complaining at lurcher shows,as i think ive only ever met you at a few,where i dont think i was taking part in any showing or racing,OH sorry,i did meet you at one show where i was taking part in the racing ,and guess what,i beat youre 7/8,4 times,All Ireland and CHATSWORTH Champion,in the final,with a bitch that couldnt even in my oppinion ,run as she was only 50%fit,and had only ever in my ownership raced 3 times,and i have her from she was 11 months of age.OK I didnt breed her,in fact i only bought her because she was going to a home where dogs had been starved to death,and i wasnt prepared to let this happen.I never raced her till she was 3 years old,as i didnt want to take someone elses glory,and anyway i didnt think she was good enough,as she wouldnt have got near my own breeding.But guess what,she met and beat,what was supposed to be the fastest bitch to ever race over here.Met her once,beat her once.OH and by the way,she is also a 7/8 bitch,before anyone says anything,and i will probibly be breeding her to a Greyhound called Mineola Farloe,next season,so i am taking orders now for my 15/16,pups.Ha Ha,only joking.She will probibly be bred to a coursing Whippet,or 1/2 bred,Maybe even Hellbound,if wee MEGAN'S pups to him make the grade.OOOPPPPSSS,letting out secrets.Darren,you challenged me to get out of that one.(Shouldnt have done that)Things like this, bring the old me back.Sorry mate ,but im not perfect,and never will be. ...Billy...

Who with a ounce of brain in their head would lamp their dog the night before your going to take on the top lurcher racer in the UK :wacko: you was a poor loser.

And don't give me that one about you forgetting your dog food.

me, ive lamped my dogs many times the night before shows,see if the moons down and the conditions are good lamping comes before chasing a rag for me, and last yr i lost the working condition at helston to a dog that had never seen a rabbit as mine had a cut on the stopper from the night before and the judge said if she hadnt that cut she would of won???????????? anyway she went on to win the cornish long jump i think she did22 foot? that day and she 21 inch high but that cut didnt stop her :D :thumbsup: mark
markbrick said:
me, ive lamped my dogs many times the night before shows,see if the moons down and the conditions are good lamping comes before chasing a rag for me, and last yr i lost the working condition at helston to a dog that had never seen a rabbit as mine had a cut on the stopper from the night before and the judge said if she hadnt that cut she would of won???????????? anyway she went on to win the cornish long jump i think she did22 foot? that day and she 21 inch high but that cut didnt stop her :D   :thumbsup: mark
markbrick said:
me, ive lamped my dogs many times the night before shows,see if the moons down and the conditions are good lamping comes before chasing a rag for me, and last yr i lost the working condition at helston to a dog that had never seen a rabbit as mine had a cut on the stopper from the night before and the judge said if she hadnt that cut she would of won???????????? anyway she went on to win the cornish long jump i think she did22 foot? that day and she 21 inch high but that cut didnt stop her :D   :thumbsup: mark

markbrick said:
me, ive lamped my dogs many times the night before shows,see if the moons down and the conditions are good lamping comes before chasing a rag for me, and last yr i lost the working condition at helston to a dog that had never seen a rabbit as mine had a cut on the stopper from the night before and the judge said if she hadnt that cut she would of won???????????? anyway she went on to win the cornish long jump i think she did22 foot? that day and she 21 inch high but that cut didnt stop her :D   :thumbsup: mark


and theres plenty more where that came from
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STEVE180 said:
markbrick said:
me, ive lamped my dogs many times the night before shows,see if the moons down and the conditions are good lamping comes before chasing a rag for me, and last yr i lost the working condition at helston to a dog that had never seen a rabbit as mine had a cut on the stopper from the night before and the judge said if she hadnt that cut she would of won???????????? anyway she went on to win the cornish long jump i think she did22 foot? that day and she 21 inch high but that cut didnt stop her :D   :thumbsup: mark

View attachment 47245

and theres plenty more where that came from

nettle said:
billyboy45 said:
dazgail said:
The craic is good. Billy, if you believe that greyhound x whippet crosses are not lurchers i guess you won't be at any lurcher events with your up and coming pups? Ha ha get out of that one and i guess that all the lurcher races and trophies you have won with a greyhound x whippet cross in the past should be handed back and your name removed from the titles.Markbrick, i havn't back tracked on anything....for me a greyhound x whippet will always be a lurcher. If some recognised doggy persons want to segregate different types of lurchers from others that's up to them.

Interesting enough it makes me wonder that those involved in a bit of contoversy and doting i's and t's are the ones who are forever complaining and moaning at the lurcher events. :cheers:

By the way lets all not get too serious and get off our high chairs, its all a bit of banter. :huggles:

Not a problem.Get out of that one you say.OK where do we start.Firstly,i have never denied to anyone in my life that my dog's n bitches where anything other than what they were,so when i entered them in races,i was at the time racing against mostly other Whippetxgreyhounds,that i might add were brought from here there and just about everywhere to try and beat me,All failed.The only way they could beat me was to get rid of me ,and i wont go into that just yet.When i raced there was a lot of competition,not like the past few years when there been nothing much other than a few collie x to race against.until recently.See i wasnt racing my WhippetxGreyhounds against youre average lurchers,back then,so it was similar to None Peds.Might i add that none of the stuff that was brought across from England to beat me ever beat my own breeding.IN 7 All Ireland under 23,i was unbeaten,with a father and daughter team of my own breeding.When i retired i retired unbeaten,having never lost an under 23 final.If they hadnt got rid of me,i would still be unbeaten.Ithink wee MEGAN proved that at 6 1/2 years of age .And as for giving back my trophies,no problem,titles no problem,so long as everyone else who holds the same titles,only all with 7/8 whippetxgreyhounds,as to my 1/2 breds and 3/4 breds do the same.What i won i won with my own breeding,that i started from scratch,20 years ago.Now,how many of the rest of you's can say that.Miss Ellie came from England,never beat me,Molly Stag came from England,never beat me,Dellboy beat me once,after Silver was Cripled in England,and couldnt run anymore.Many others came and went way back then,and still couldnt beat me .In fact the only person to beat me was Geoff Fletcher,and that was in his back garden n not mine.And over a distance that only Whippets should be running,as my dogs were used to and trained for 500 yrd ers.And Tarn was lamping rabbits the night before ,on the way down,as i forgot the dogs grub.and i have proof of this.She caught 13 rabbits out of about 25 and the white bitch caught the other 5.How many racing men would have done this and would still have dogs to race the next morning.As for taking my pups to lurcher shows,i think most cater for Whippetx now,and if im ever asked by an organizer not to race or show my pups ,then again i will have no problem.I would also like to add ,that i hope you are not refering to myself as moaning and complaining at lurcher shows,as i think ive only ever met you at a few,where i dont think i was taking part in any showing or racing,OH sorry,i did meet you at one show where i was taking part in the racing ,and guess what,i beat youre 7/8,4 times,All Ireland and CHATSWORTH Champion,in the final,with a bitch that couldnt even in my oppinion ,run as she was only 50%fit,and had only ever in my ownership raced 3 times,and i have her from she was 11 months of age.OK I didnt breed her,in fact i only bought her because she was going to a home where dogs had been starved to death,and i wasnt prepared to let this happen.I never raced her till she was 3 years old,as i didnt want to take someone elses glory,and anyway i didnt think she was good enough,as she wouldnt have got near my own breeding.But guess what,she met and beat,what was supposed to be the fastest bitch to ever race over here.Met her once,beat her once.OH and by the way,she is also a 7/8 bitch,before anyone says anything,and i will probibly be breeding her to a Greyhound called Mineola Farloe,next season,so i am taking orders now for my 15/16,pups.Ha Ha,only joking.She will probibly be bred to a coursing Whippet,or 1/2 bred,Maybe even Hellbound,if wee MEGAN'S pups to him make the grade.OOOPPPPSSS,letting out secrets.Darren,you challenged me to get out of that one.(Shouldnt have done that)Things like this, bring the old me back.Sorry mate ,but im not perfect,and never will be. ...Billy...

Who with a ounce of brain in their head would lamp their dog the night before your going to take on the top lurcher racer in the UK :wacko: you was a poor loser.

And don't give me that one about you forgetting your dog food.


Not realy any of you're buisiness,and why bring up old post's that have sore's in them,unless you're trying to start summit up again.Sorry to disapoint you,but i aint getting into it.All i will say here is this.If you wont take my word for it ,about my bitches lamping on the way down to Chatsworth,then go ask Patrick Mathew's,who was right beside me when we pulled up at the camp sight with a bag of freshly lilled bunnie's and began gutting and skinning them there and then,before taking the dog's down to the river ,for a swim and a wash,as they were fifthy,with muck.Also inquire as to what happened my Tarn bitch the followin year,when someone,i dont know who,was obviously very affraid of getting beaten. Idont lie about working my racing dog's,cause just like Mark,mine were bred at that time,for working first,and then breeding.I also used to give my racing bitches 3 mile behind the bike,every morning,and that included race morning's.See my dog's were 100%fit,just like Mark's.Last i will say on this,so go see Pat Mathew's. ...Billy...
see billy youre as bad as me,trying to explain yourself to these idiots,i really dont care if they beleave me are not and if theres a mod on here i wish they would close this thread as it got a bit stupid in the end,esp from me billy dont let them get to you mate i know theres serious dog owners out there who catch rabbits with there dogs the night before the shows,mark

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