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[SIZE=11pt]So sorry to hear of this john, i remember watching her at old hall one year at the championship's when i first got into racing "a lovely looking bitch", hope she recovers well.[/SIZE]
So sorry to hear about your Chloe, this happed to my old dog Chip 5 years ago.

4 wired Ribs punctured lung - 21 stitches.(still have nightmares when I think about it)

Poor you I was well traumatised by what happened - it is a terrible thing. :(

The dog that got Chip was a staffy cross too - I will never forget it.

I hope Chloe recovers from this ordeal very quickly poor thing :huggles:

Look after her well - my old lad was on medication for the rest of his life due to stupid owners and there bl...dy dogs. :rant: :rant: :rant:
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So sorry to hear chloe was attacked - Hope she makes a speedy recovery :thumbsup:

Caz x
I'm sorry to hear your new's ........I really wish Chloe a speedy recovery :luck:
im so sorry john to hear of your terrible ordeal. :( when i go out with my dogs i always take something with me(if you know what i mean!)and if ever a staffy got hold of one of my dogs and we couldnt get it off i would use it .if it was my dogs lives or a staffys life im afraid there would be no contest.these dogs should not be allowed off lead in public sue the bl**dy idiot who owns this animal,and id make a police complaint about the dangerous dogs any dog out of control in a public place.before it attacks any more poor dogs or a child next. :rant:
this happehed out side our shop once,it was horrible 5 adults could not beat it off so taking a stick on a walk is no answer .1 chap had steel toe caps on and 2 had pieces of timber the owner was trying to prize it off.he couldn,t choke it off as it had a stupid leather harness on?having 2 bullmastiffs which don,t like other dogs i know how difficult it is 2 exercize them without being a pain to others.mine have flexi leads if i haven,t got a clear view of the field.but some people do insist on bringing there dogs over to you even if you tell them.he could do with being taught a lesson is what 1 said to me once :rant: not by my dogs..also just because they don,t like other dogs dosn,t mean they dont like children .i got 2 off them as well and there in more danger in the playground off other kids than my dogs...good luck with the dog and i hope you give the idiot the bill.
Thing is with these dogs once they get a grip there's no way your gonna get em off without a fight, i remember a friend walking greyhounds & he met my dad, got chatting, the next thing a terrier walked past & the greyhounds grabbed hold of it, Andy who's greyhounds they were & my dad were punching the greyhound in the head & it still wouldn't let go, the poor terrier got away but unfortunately died at the vets. My point is if staff type dogs are off a lead & your own are on a lead you stand no chance, not unless you've got a gun in your pocket lol

ETA. I also know someone who's rottie attacked her lurcher on their farm, she was hitting the rottie on the head with planks of wood so that it'd let go, in the end she got in the car & ran into it (and the woman in queston is this biggest animal lover you could ever meet), it still wouldn't let go, poor lurcher walked away & died in the next field from his injuries.
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taking a stick certainly wouldnt work in getting one of these gladiators off,but i never mentioned a stick. :- " i said if it came to my dogs life or a staffy who was killing it then i would take action to save my dogs life.surely there is no worse thing to witness than to see a beloved pet being torn apart and suffering horrific injuries from one of these dogs.hitting it with a stick would only annoy it.i think i would be justified in doing anything to save my dogs life even if it meant disabling the aggressor.also i understand what you are saying about just cos they like dont like other dogs doesnt mean they will attack children,but in my opinion the chase/ attack mode can be triggered by a child running and squealing.theres been some horrific attacks by these dogs on children in recent years,caused in the main by totally irresponsible owners who let these animals off the lead to cause whatever mayhem they please.i agree with fallenangel,a lot of the morons who own these dogs shouldnt be put in charge of a yorky never mind a breed as lethal as these.again i say they should not be allowed off the lead in a public place.the dangerous dogs act was brought in to protect people and other pets from dogs whose owners couldnt/wouldnt control them. :rant:
it doesnt take a mastermined to keep an iffy dog under control Our Boris can be a sod with other dogs allways has been. If were in a place were other dogs can be off lead he has his muzzel on and he only goes of lead in secure areas and just to be on the safe side still were his muzzel. it doesnt bother him infact if we pick it up he knows its out time and wagges his tail. he is a bloody big greyhound and even though we know he doesnt bit hard he just mouths we dont risk it as i carnt stop other peoepls dogs comeing up to us to say high

Why carnt these morons put muzzels on there dogs is fastaning a clip on a muzzel too complicated for them

God how awful hope your dog makes a full recovery. I think there is something about our skinny breeds, always seem to get savaged by other breeds somehow, don't know what it is?
Should add we can't tar all Staffs with the same brush it's the type of irresponsible owner that is attracted to the breed. I know many fab natured Staffs who are great with other dogs. It's so sad i went to Manchester Dogs Home the other week, they have a separate block for the Bull type breeds and the only people looking at them were the scallys everyone associates with owning them (you know what i mean) My friend left working there mainly coz of the arseholes that they let take Bull types and Lurcher types :angry:
:rant: :rant: No I agree Gina - its usually the owners faults anyway.

But another point I phoned the police when this happenned to my dog and they wernt really very helpful at all.

They said Oh no-one was hurt - the dog wasnt out with anyone etc etc and I pointed out it could have been my daughter walking it etc etc but they took a statement and spoke to the owner and that was about it !! :rant:

Eventually :rant: :rant: this guy had the dog put to sleep - because he said it was so unpredictable :eek:
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Poor Chloe, and poor you. I hope she makes a full physical and mental recovery from this terrible event.

I was on the Common two days ago, and there was a woman walking 5 Staffies up there. None of them were on leads, and they ran up to every dog, and person they could see. One jumped up at me, and then ran over to a man who had a Retriever on a lead. It kept pestering and jumping. The man was shouting at it to go away, and he started to get really cross. The other dogs all started to circle, thinking it was a game. The man was in such a state, it was awful. The stupid cow who was walking them just shouted that they are very friendly you know. It's not the point, they are unpredicatable. I will never let Archie pester a dog on a lead. They are on a lead for a reason. All Staffies should be kept under control, if they sense fear, they will attack. If I see the woman again, I am going to tell her to keep her dogs under control. All she did was kept calling them, they just ignored her :rant:
wild whippies said:
Sorry to hear about Chloe, hope she makes a speedy recovery. :luck:   I've got to say I am sick of hearing of Staffies attacking whippets, I know there are some responsible owners out there but these dogs mainly attract the attention of divvies. :rant:
I have to agree it is mostly divvie chavs who own these dogs. A speedy recovery Chloe. :luck: :huggles:
Sorry to here about your ordeal John and Marrion,hope Chloe has a quick recovery. :(
after a uncomfortable night she is very sore. chloe is getting on her feet with a struggle had her inside the house in the cage with the mussle on to stop her licking her wounds got up this morning and she as got the mussle off,don"t know if she as licked any of the stitches out or not as she winces every time i try to have a look i will leave it untill tommorow for the vet to look, as for the owner she was very upset saying it had never done anything like this before and she will pay all vet bills also said she was having the dog put to sleep wether she as i don"t know,as for informing the police they are not interested unless a child or adult as been attacked ,as someone said when they get old they won"t let go i was kicking it i had toe caps on as well it was just shaking her like a rag doll , if i had my other coat on i carry a knife and would not of esitated to use it, we would like to thank everyone for there kind words of sympathy.
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JOHNG said:
after a uncomfortable night she is very sore. chloe is getting on her feet with a struggle had her inside the house in the cage with the mussle on to stop her licking her wounds got up this morning and she as got the mussle off,don"t know if she as licked any of the stitches out or not as she winces every time i try to have a look i will leave it untill tommorow for the vet to look, as for the owner she was very upset saying it had never done anything like this before and she will pay all vet bills also said she was having the dog put to sleep wether she as i don"t know,as for informing the police they are not interested unless a child or adult as been attacked ,as someone said when they get old they won"t let go i was kicking it i had toe caps on as well it was just shaking her like a rag doll , if i had my other coat on i carry a knife and would not of esitated to use it, we would like to thank everyone for there kind words of sympathy.
God it's made me go cold that, poor girl.

The owner sounds like she's got a bit more sense than we originally thought though. Fingers crossed Chloe continues to improve :luck:
John, hope Chloe continues to recover. At least the female owner seems to have faced up to her responsibilities and if the dog has done this once you can guarantee it could do it again and, therefore, cannot be trusted. For everybodies sake (and as much as she may love her pet dog) she should have the dog put down as she mentioned. Sad but true. :rant:
so sorry to her of Cloe's ordeal you know how I feel about her I think the world of her.I know what you are going through as it happened to Sam last year. and true the police dont want to know My best wishes to you and Marion and lets hope she is soon on the mend heres to a speedy recovery Pleased the dog owner is being alright about it but it no consolation.Heres to a speedy recovory. my thoughts are with you
john im so glad to hear chloe has survived this terrible ordeal.hope she makes a good recovery. :luck: i agree with vicki it sounds like the owner is doing the sensible thing,lucky she seems to be quite for the police i have found over the years they dont wanna do anything in a situation like this unless a solicitor is involved.when something happened to me a few years ago involving some creeps the police said they couldnt/wouldnt do anything.i went to my solicitor.she got on the phone while i was in her office and boy was there a difference in attitude when she gave them a tongue lashing. :rant: she accused them of ignoring the law instead of upholding it,and threatened to write to their chief constable.the situation was resolved within the hour :thumbsup:

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