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  1. J

    Naughty Song!

    i saw that on tarant on tv months ago its very fuuny
  2. J


    thanks for that never actually thought that id compete against the same sized dogs. its really not easy being this dim lol
  3. J


    i was going to take my border terriers to agility classes but first i decided to teach them the different things at home so me hubby made me some of the stuff when they get the hang of it here im gonna take them to classes. although wont compete properly as i wouldnt stand a chance againt a...
  4. J

    What Puppy Wormers

    i use panacur liquid its about £13 ish for a 100ml bottle its not available in supermarkets as you have to have a license to sell it hope this helps!
  5. J


    i know that this isnt relevant to the results you are after but could someone post the results of the terrier show please thanks
  6. J


    we have a tread mill but its not electric the dog has to pull it round its self so unfortunately my TERRIERS arent heavy enough to use it lol
  7. J


    id try putting her in a crate when your busy not there etc so that when she does it you can teach her no consistency is the main thing she wont learn if she gets told no when you see her doing it and nothing when shes alone if you dont mind using a crate that is hope this has made sense
  8. J


    when does she do this is it when you are at home or when you are out?
  9. J

    Show In Plymouth

    think ive seen the ad is it at langage some thing or other dont know how good it is but i have the schedule and theres not many classes for lurchers or terriers so im not going
  10. J

    Terrier's At The Lurcher Show On Saturday

    hi what show was this please
  11. J


    congratulations mark good on you
  12. J

    Disgusted At The Cornish Arguements...

    get your facts right before you post i heard people chattin bout the site and thought id check it out
  13. J

    Disgusted At The Cornish Arguements...

    if you took water then why did you come over to use mine?