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  1. S

    Yet Again We Are Fed Half Truth And Fantasy

    Hellbound, why dont you do us all a favour and P*** OFF.
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    Drugs Testing Yes Or No?

    Conway, my dogs do win opens & it is not through using drugs. It is through hard work, & determination, which will beat drugs everytime if you have a dog good enough. I was not pulling anyones dog down , i was just stating a fact.
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    Drugs Testing Yes Or No?

    Conway get your facts right i never inferred that you were giving you dogs anything. this was the comment you answered to. Joanna , why not get a faster dog then maybe you wouldnt be so concerned about drug testing. It is only the people with slower dogs that bring this subject up. You havnt...
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    Drugs Testing Yes Or No?

    It is the same in any sport,there are athletes etc who win everything & those who just compete to make the number up. It is the same with whippet racing there are dogs that win everything,[this doesnt mean to say they are on drugs.] I think it is just sour grapes when people start bringing...
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    Drug Testing

    Conway, if the cap fits WEAR IT. :thumbsup:
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    Drug Testing

    For Trap1 It was a question not an accusation from Joanna how is that questioning the integrety of the sport (unless of course you were aiming that at me) , people's attitudes on this thread are more likely to make the sport look bad if anything, ped non /ped, it's whippet racing it's about...
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    Drug Testing

    Joanna , why not get a faster dog then maybe you wouldnt be so concerned about drug testing. It is only the people with slower dogs that bring this subject up. :D
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    Childish Behaviour Helping To Spoil K9.

    sorry the last post was from John Noble.
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    Childish Behaviour Helping To Spoil K9.

    No need to mention any names, but this person is continually trying to wind people up in nearly every post she makes. It has certainly worked with me, i have bit a few times & so have other people. She tried to ruin whippet racing with her zero% tolerance.[ under this ruling she would now be...
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    5, Times Racing Straight Champion

    Stop stirring it matchu, we know who you are,your dog doesnt need advertising, we are sick of hearing about it.
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    Bwra Championships

    Doreen, i dont know why you brought this subject up until the people concerned were contacted & asked about their behaviour, & dealt with in the appropriate manner. It seems a bit silly mentioning it, when you dont say whats happened. You are just causing people to come to their own conclusions.
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    Accident At Champs

    this accident was sheer stupidity, no one with any sense stands in front of the sandpit. [it should never have happened] Hope your dog gets well Alison, but i have no sympathy for the person she ran in too. :rant:
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    For Sale Nwrf

    they didnt need to show their true colours we already knew. [ THEY ARE THIEVES AS WELL AS CHEATS] They are a disgrace to whippet racing.
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    A Plea to Yvonne & Tony

    If ROWLAND RAT hands all the equipment back they will have to hand all the books & monies back. [but what if they havnt got it] I wonder where theyre going on holiday this year.
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    I hope the people involved are pleased with themselves. Wheres all the sportsmanship gone in whippet racing. There are too many small minded people[small minds, big mouths] who think their dog can never get beat. You see it week after week , it is nearly always the same people. I dont know...
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    Rowland, the best thing you can do is pack in whippet racing. We can do without cheating , thieving people in our sport. Do us all a favour & go back to your sewer.
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    Tony,Evonne,Rowland, nobodys interested in reading your letters, with all their feeble excuses.
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    Gerry Day Open

    ill be back when i get bored again. Iv run out of maggots. :p
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    Gerry Day Open

    I havnt been racing long but i do a bit of fishing . Ive caught a few big uns in my time & it doesnt look as if ive lost my touch. [ fish have big mouths & cant resist a a bit of bait] which do you prefer wrms or maggots.
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    Gerry Day Open

    All i can say is the people replying must have DODGY dogs.[THINK ABOUT YOURSELVES BUGGER THE REST] Wheres LARRY id like to know what he thinks about it.