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A Message For Lampingman

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it's a long way down from the built up hights for the looser :thumbsup:

Good luck to everyone,
Mark Roberts said:
it's a long way down from the built up hights for the looser  :thumbsup:
Good luck to everyone,

Well one of us will have a lot of ribbing to take but hey it's all good fun :D (obviously it won't be me :- " ) whatever the outcome we're both going to win at the end of the day because we both take the best dog home and I'm looking forward to a holiday and Tanya's cake :thumbsup:
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what cake we going for then? carrot or choc and banana? or both? should i also make 1 for the winner? Hmmmmmm? get your orders in you two! has this challenge got a name yet? may have a little suprise gift for you both if you are good! :- "
I think we should call it 'The Saucy Madam Offspring Challenge'

Any cake is fine by me Tanya although the thought of the Choc Banana one has got me dribbling :D
*Lesley* said:
I think we should call it 'The Saucy Madam Offspring Challenge'
Any cake is fine by me Tanya although the thought of the  Choc Banana one has got me dribbling :D

Alredy decided. Its the Lampingman Spring Trophy. Thats whats on the cup.
thats ok just so i know! im getting so excited! feel very privilaged as im gona be there to watch it!
lamping man said:
*Lesley* said:
I think we should call it 'The Saucy Madam Offspring Challenge'
Any cake is fine by me Tanya although the thought of the  Choc Banana one has got me dribbling :D

Alredy decided. Its the Lampingman Spring Trophy. Thats whats on the cup.

Suits me :thumbsup: that will look nice on my mantlepiece :D hope we get some Spring weather too :thumbsup:
:teehee: :teehee: Well folks , time has marched on and we are one week away from what will be the series of races that says it all. Spry, Bramble (the whirlwind) and ZORRO get it on next Wednesday morning. (w00t)

The trophy is ready to be presented to the winning connections(me) :clown: and we hope for fine weather to put the icing on Tanya's cake.

The main trophy(illustrated) will remain in the Lampingman Lure Coursing Acadamy(Eastern Region) trophy room having had the name of the winning kennel(Born To Run has a nice ring to it) engraved on the base. The winner will be presented with a replica to mark the occasion. A party will take place later in the day at Lamping Towers to which you are all invited :oops: . Very informal, just a couple of speeches to say how nice it was to see the Spryers and how close the finishes were and how Spry needn't feel disgraced in defeat etc :teehee: :teehee: .

Hope you like the pic, the lifesize bronze coursing greyhounds don't come with the trophy :( . More to follow,

With Champagne on ice

LAMPINGMAN :thumbsup:
I like those greyhounds you too scared to put those up to the winner lampy :- "

Readier than ever :ph34r:

The spryers
well the trime is nearing, i'd noticed a eiry silence from both camps? ;)

The hearts of the connectings must be beating hard and i'll be guessing Andrex have noticed a marked increas in sales in the areas of the connections. :sweating:

From our man on the gallops he tells us Lamping man has been training hard and he's also been doing a bit of training with the dogs as well :p

Lesleys prefered training method was giving spry a mud pack on Sunday while she dished up pie & peas. (not at the same time may I add)

Good luck to all the connections whoever wins :thumbsup:
Mark Roberts said:
well the trime is nearing, i'd noticed a eiry silence from both camps?  ;)
The hearts of the connectings must be beating hard and i'll be guessing Andrex have noticed a marked increas in sales in the areas of the connections.  :sweating:

From our man on the gallops he tells us Lamping man has been training hard and he's also been doing a bit of training with the dogs as well  :p

Lesleys prefered training method was giving spry a mud pack on Sunday while she dished up pie & peas. (not at the same time may I add)

Good luck to all the connections whoever wins  :thumbsup:

Well I want to make sure she looking beautiful on the pics with the trophy Mark and mud is very good for the complexion. :*

I was just keeping quiet to make sure Lampy didnt back out because I've booked the site :- "

I am looking forward to the celebration party at fawlty towers oops I mean lampy towers :p and if all else fails I am sure Kane will let Bramble and Zorro have a little run past him just so they win something on the day :thumbsup:
Mark Roberts said:
well the trime is nearing, i'd noticed a eiry silence from both camps?  ;)
The hearts of the connectings must be beating hard and i'll be guessing Andrex have noticed a marked increas in sales in the areas of the connections.  :sweating:

From our man on the gallops he tells us Lamping man has been training hard and he's also been doing a bit of training with the dogs as well  :p

Lesleys prefered training method was giving spry a mud pack on Sunday while she dished up pie & peas. (not at the same time may I add)

Good luck to all the connections whoever wins  :thumbsup:

Brilliant Mark. Lovely wit :D :thumbsup:
Ooh! This is getting exciting!! What time? Directions please Lampy!! :thumbsup: Lesley I'll bring Logan for a play with Kane! :devil: :devil:
oliverpliers said:
Ooh! This is getting exciting!! What time? Directions please Lampy!! :thumbsup: Lesley I'll bring Logan for a play with Kane! :devil: :devil:

Are you giving out directions???????????? I would so love to see this race and the presentation :D
Just been in touch with William Hills!

unfortunatly their not offering odds on whether Spry will compleat the hatrick ;)
I have enjoyed reading this thread. Good luck to all of you and please post some photos along with the results.
Meant to tell you all. My good friend Tony Dent has given me five fox tails to add to the lure for the grand demonstration of Bramble's prowess. Now Bramble loves fox tails and once made aware of the scent she produces unbelievable sprinting speed. Now I at first thought it to be a little unfair to use such tactics but I love Tony as a brother (w00t) and would hate to offend the man, so, the foxtails are in position and if we have to win by an extra margin then so be it :p . I am sure that all the Spryers will understand :(


LAMPINGMAN :p :thumbsup: :cheers:
mandy21 said:
I have enjoyed reading this thread.  Good luck to all of you and please post some photos along with the results.

Hi Mandy. Thanks for your post. Can I tell you that Lampy's camera will be on fire on the day with only Lesley's tears to cool the inferno. Keep watching. History is soon to be written :D :clown:

Confident or what

LAMPINGMAN :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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