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A Message For Lampingman

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lamping man said:
Meant to tell you all. My good friend Tony Dent has given me five fox tails to add to the lure for the grand demonstration of Bramble's prowess. Now Bramble loves fox tails and once made aware of the scent she produces unbelievable sprinting speed. Now I at first thought it to be a little unfair to use such tactics but I love Tony as a brother (w00t)   and would hate to offend the man, so, the foxtails are in position and if we have to win by an extra margin then so be it  :p . I am sure that all the Spryers will understand  :(

LAMPINGMAN  :p   :thumbsup:   :cheers:

Feel free to use all the tactics you NEED lampy :thumbsup: Spry has never seem a fox tail but she'll chase it never the less, I dont mind you being at an advantage you'll need all the help you can get :D

Always ready

Mark Roberts said:
Just been in touch with William Hills!
unfortunatly their not offering odds on whether Spry will compleat the hatrick  ;)

Very wise of W Hill :* The bookies don't often get it wrong :blink: . Bramble and ZORRO will not be beaten. If they are , I have agreed to ride along Yarmouth sea front naked and on a donkey. Not a pretty sight but for god's sake, donkeys aint that pretty. (w00t) :cheers: .

Practising his equestrian skills :blink:

LAMPINGMAN :thumbsup:
my horses are not donkeys! cheeky may be a bit old a cranky tho! lol, really you i cant wait! :cheers:
Well!! We're nearly there. The final speed session took place this morning. :) With fox and squirrel tails on the lure Bramble and ZORRO were put through their paces. This is Lampy as he prepares: (w00t)
Moss waits on the sidelines and watches the progress of the pups. They are both faster than her but don't have her running style :(
Just thought I would add this pic for the Spryers. Are you watching Lesley? This perhaps is the only view that Spry will have of her brother and sister as they burn up the track next Wednesday :clown: :- "
And finally here we have them both after a good workout. A few days of good rest and careful roadwork then stand clear for the whirlwind and the tornado :teehee: :teehee: :thumbsup:
lamping man said:
Just thought I would add this pic for the Spryers. Are you watching Lesley? This perhaps is the only view that Spry will have of her brother and sister as they burn up the track next Wednesday  :clown:   :- "

The only backside she'll be watching lampy is YOURS as you are riding up Yarmouth Sea front on that Donkey :p :p :p
*Lesley* said:
lamping man said:
Just thought I would add this pic for the Spryers. Are you watching Lesley? This perhaps is the only view that Spry will have of her brother and sister as they burn up the track next Wednesday  :clown:    :- "

The only backside she'll be watching lampy is YOURS as you are riding up Yarmouth Sea front on that Donkey :p :p :p

I asked for that one now didn't I Lesley ? :D :oops:
LOL this thread is awsome. Good luck guys....GO SPRY!!! (w00t)
TC said:
oliverpliers said:
Ooh! This is getting exciting!! What time? Directions please Lampy!! :thumbsup: Lesley I'll bring Logan for a play with Kane! :devil: :devil:

Are you giving out directions???????????? I would so love to see this race and the presentation :D

Guys, I am serious, we need to know date time and venue, I can't miss this (w00t) (w00t)
Hi TC. How nice of you for wanting to come. Unfortunately access to the track is difficult with very little scope for parking as the place is up a very narrow track which is also a road open to all traffic. In fairness very little traffic does use it but it has to remain clear and that is where the problem lies. We are fully subscribed for visitors. Also, we have to be mindful of the landowner who very generously allows us to use the field free of charge, we have done so for a number of years, we would hate to jeopardise our good relations by havig more guests than we would consider to be reasonable. I do hope you understand the situation. We would love to have as many there as poss but I think we've reached our maximum.

You are more than welcome to join us for a little party at our place afterwards when I get presented with the trophy :clown: .

Best regards




LAMPINGMAN :D :D :cheers:
see what you have started now lampy! lol! this will now be a yearly k9 calender event! people will be booking for months in advance! i cant wait! :cheers:
Can understand your difficulties Lampy, :)) just get as many pics as you can then we can all see what happened, :unsure: hope you all have a great day, :cheers: dont forget to save me some cake, :thumbsup: i"ll send you my address Tanya cause you cant trust LESLEYS dogs. :- "
lamping man said:
Hi TC. How nice of you for wanting to come. Unfortunately access to the track is difficult with very little scope for parking as the place is up a very narrow track which is also a road open to all traffic. In fairness very little traffic does use it  but it has to remain clear and that is where the problem lies. We are fully subscribed for visitors. Also, we have to be mindful of the landowner who very generously allows us to use the field free of charge, we have done so for a number of years, we would hate to jeopardise our good relations by havig more guests than we would consider to be reasonable. I do hope you understand the situation. We would love to have as many there as poss but I think we've reached our maximum.You are more than welcome to join us for a little party at our place afterwards when I get presented with the trophy  :clown: .

Best regards




LAMPINGMAN  :D   :D   :cheers:

Roughly translated that means the less people who actually see him getting a right beating the better :- "
[SIZE=21pt]Good Luck to Everyone[/SIZE] :cheers: :cheers: cant wait to hear the outcome - although I must admit I have a secret longing for the gorgeous [SIZE=21pt]SPRY[/SIZE] :wub: to win of course. ;)

[SIZE=14pt]but Have fun[/SIZE] :cheers: ;)
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those dogs of lesleys do have a thing for cake or so im told paula???? sssshhhh dont say but i think its lesley really, just dont say! i will of course post you some cake as we couldnt possibly trust lesleys dogs could we!!!! :- " im getting so excited ready for this! :thumbsup:
Just heard that Lesleys out buying a new cabinat for all the trophys she's getting this week.

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