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Saucy Madam

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MUM!!!!!! (w00t)

OMG :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

NO NO NO - stop showing me these puppy pictures Lesley - your taunting MEEE

I want one - love Zorro too and fawn one on left with white blaze :wub: :wub: :thumbsup: but SPRY :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Sorry Jan don't mean to, but I have to share they are all lovely aren't they, :wub: :wub: :wub:
They truly are Lesley :wub: :wub: Im jealous - she is an absolute darling I would have her no probs. They are brilliant pictures - keep them coming (never know I might just get round OH eventually) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

God Im so dumb - Ill just say Im off to buy a new Tigerskin rug :lol: :teehee: :lol: hell never know the difference .... tilll it moves :- "
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Show OH these Jan tell him not to be mean :thumbsup:

No I can't see anything on your head

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Are you going to sleep in here with us :huggles:

*Lesley* said:
Show OH these Jan tell him not to be mean :thumbsup:

He honestly isnt mean at all Lesley honest.... I suppose its the practicalities of having two dogs, 3 cats, 7 rabbits, 1 chinchilla, tropical fish -- get my drift - I could probably persuade him - suppose Im persuading myself too :lol: ( Ive had to say Ill not go on holiday ever again)
I know what you mean Jan it's the other way around for us, OH really wanted anopther I kept sayin when ours have pups, but I'm as bad really didnt take long to give in,can't wait now, we've only got a cat and she'll probably pack her backs when Spry gets here (w00t)
SPRY :wub: :wub: .... btw is the one next to Spry on last picture with white blaze taken yet????? :wub: :wub: :huggles: :- " ;)
Don't know jan Chris may be able to tell you, why has OH given in :thumbsup:
Nice face - Nice PUPS :wub:

- shame about the LEGS. (w00t) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Chris, what colour have you registered the one bottom right next to your leg :- "
A bed full of puppies :huggles: :wub:


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