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  1. J

    Esme's Missing

    Im so glad that she has turned up safe and sound, ive just read this and when i saw the first line i was gutted for you, but all ends well. YIS JS
  2. J

    Youngun At 12 Month

    Cracking looking dog there mate, my whippet grey is the same with injuries, she is now 18 months old as is getting better :D YIS JS
  3. J

    Crufts On Telly.............

    [quote=fallenangel,Mar 11 2007, 11:20 AM i allways thought part of the judging of any breed was that the dog looked like it was fit for the purpose it was actualt breed origanaly for. from my trip ysterday there are\ plenty of show breeds that arent anymore. i love watching the xclasses with...
  4. J

    Painting Of Lurcher

    Mick Cawston was in a leage of his own, he was one of the few artist who could actually capture the spirit and soul of the subject he was painting. Shame he is no longer with us. YIS JS
  5. J

    Start Racing

    Like the look of your black one mate, she look the spit of my blackun. Good luck. :thumbsup: YIS JS
  6. J

    Crufts On Telly.............

    I was also surprised not to see a grey of whippet in the final, but got to say the Pharaoh hound was stunning, it really caught my eye. bassets, please give me a break, i used to whip in for a pack of hunting bassets, and there is no comparision, how the hell can something with stumps for legs...
  7. J

    Sbsd The Superstar

    Cheers for the Update SBSD, you certainaly have a busy life for such a little fella, all them social engagements you have., good to see you like the recall training :thumbsup: :D important that little fella, so keep up the good work. Looking forward to your next update on your life, im just...
  8. J

    Borntorun New Website

    Looks spot on that mate :thumbsup: YIS JS
  9. J


    Im sure it is another story mate, i wonder about that with Spirit sometimes :D YIS JS
  10. J

    Storm & Son.......

    Looking very well mate and obvously enjoying the views as well, good to see he's on the road to recovery :thumbsup: YIS JS
  11. J

    Burgled :o))

    Kids mate, never can trust them, they will blame anything onto the dogs, as they are an easy target. i mean look at her, butter wouldnt melt in her mouth :- " :D YIS JS
  12. J

    Help My Dogs As Fat As Me

    I think the loser each week should have there dogs took of them and removed to someone who actually knows how to look after a dog correctly, and understands a dogs needs, not the needs the owner thinks it needs. It was definatly the worst dog related show i have ever seen. the whole set up was...
  13. J

    Windy Old Night

    Was a good night to be out mate :thumbsup: , sounds like you did good, it is strange how sometimes lurchers can make what you think should be a straight forward run, look really hard, and other times when you think they might have to put that bit extra in, they pick up really easy. Anyway its...
  14. J

    Help My Dogs As Fat As Me

    Well that was the worst pile of shite i have ever watched, the presenter was a joke, they where a digrace every single one of them, and people have the nerve to moan at working folk for been cruel. i would never let my dogs get in that condition, you could just see the dogs wernt happy, and then...
  15. J

    Help My Dogs As Fat As Me

    This program might make interesting viewing tonight, its starts at 20.30 tonight, i usually end up hurling abuse at the telly when i watch things like this, makes it more enjoyable. YIS JS
  16. J


    All right Whippet me old mucker, will get you out a lot more next season mate, got a few more bits of permission as well now, some good ferreting and some good lamping, so role on next season :thumbsup: :cheers: :D YIS JS
  17. J

    In Season

    Good luck at the vets mate, im sure all will be well. YIS JS
  18. J


    Asked this on another forum, so thought i would ask here just to see how people have got on this season. and acheived what they set out to do. On the whole ive had a cracking season, done plenty of ferreting, its been hard going this season, with the cover not really dieing back till very late...
  19. J

    Stripey Bum Super Dog Diaries

    She knows the score already, she must have been reading some of my posts in secret :D Looking forward to the next episode YIS JS
  20. J

    Stripey Bum Super Dog Diaries

    Looks you are really enjoying life Stripey bum super dog, and learning so much, you really do have a good mum :thumbsup: , looking forward to your next installments, wait till mum gets you out in them open fields, thats when the real fun begins, believe me :- " :D YIS JS