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  1. kriswithak

    Dealing with a bossy puppy

    Hi, I recently got an Alsatian x Lab puppy. She is just over 8 weeks old and has moved in to my home with myself, my partner, and our cat (2 and a half years old.) So far, things are going okay. She is settling in and responding to basic commands like sit and come. (When she wants to.) She is...
  2. PBK

    Retriever won’t retrieve!

    Any tips on how to get a golden retriever to bring the ball back? He loves playing fetch but as soon as he gets the ball he loses interest in it, drops it and waits until I pick it up and throw it again. Or keeps hold of it and wants me to chase after him to get it.
  3. P

    Younger dog attacking older dog help.

    Hi, so I have been having an issue where my younger dog is attacking my older dog and it has ramped up from the odd time to now every day. It happens at night time when we are all on the bed and my older dog will be asleep when all of a sudden my younger dog will sit up from whatever she is...
  4. Ranvijay Singh

    Puppy Trainer covering Rochester, Kent, UK area

    I am sorry if this in the wrong thread group, I could not see anything suitable in the Trainers section. I wanted to enquire if anyone could recommend a puppy trainer that would cover Rochester, Kent, UK area please, if there are any recommendations I would highly appreciate it, its for my blue...
  5. RobRam23

    Toilet training guidance

    Hello! We’ve had our girl snickers now for nearly 4 weeks with it being our first time training a puppy. We think she’s around 6 months old now and we’re struggling with toilet training. when we first got her her breeders said she was using puppy pads indoors as they hadn’t got any of her...
  6. Amylja

    Jumping and biting on walks

    Hi everyone, We have an American Bulldog X Staffy who is just a few days away from turning 1. She has turned into a little brat and I need some advice! She's started to jump up and bite while out on walks on the longline. We can be walking along nicely and then all of a sudden she'll turn...
  7. D

    Separation Anxiety...kinda

    Hi! Really hoping this might resonate with someone! Would really love some advice, because it's not typical separation anxiety. I have two chihuahuas, Frank (8yo) and Arnold (7yo), and they're lovely little well behaved boys. I put loads of effort in with them so that they wouldn't be nasty...
  8. Accidentalglixch

    Remi's pupdates (Fox Red Labrador)

    Remi is now a 12 week pup (born on 22nd September). He entered mine & my husbands lives on 6th December - we weren't expecting to take him home that night after a vsit of some pups but I'm so glad we did. Remi is the first dog we've owned as a couple. I had dogs from 7 years old but just got...
  9. H

    How do I teach a puppy to be alone

    Hello, I have a now 11 week old whippet puppy who has been with us for 9 days. For the last 5 days I have been on my own with him while my partner has been away for some training (I don’t work from home but I have had annual leave this week). I was just wondering how I can teach my puppy to be...
  10. Rosie and Me

    Rosie and Me say Hi

    Hi Rosie and I have just joined this group. Rosie is a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and I am a human. She has recently become an only dog as we lost both of her grand parents last year. One at 13yrs and the other at 15yrs. She is coping very well with these losses better than I am. She has...
  11. melb100

    Teach multiple cues or one by one?

    Hi everyone, We have a 9 week old lurcher puppy who has settled really well. We've had her a week and really pleased with toilet training, sleep schedule, socialisation etc. My question is about training cues. At the moment we're trying to teach her to sit which is going okay - as well as...
  12. Rob1stoption


    Hi Everyone, My name is Rob and I am puppy parent to the gorgeous Oscar, a Beautiful Dalmatian. I am also lucky enough to be the content creator for Jurassic Bark pet supplies in Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. If anyone has any questions or queries, don't hesitate to get in touch as I'm sure I...
  13. E

    Please help. Naughty puppy

    Hi, I have a 15 week old cockerpoo, she’s started jumping up on to the sofa we’re we’re sitting an biting us. He goes through burst that last about 5 mins we’re she just literally torments us. As she still has her puppy teeth there all really sharp. When we’re walking around she’ll jump up and...
  14. I

    Barking in the car

    Hello all, I have 2 Bearded Collies, 7 and 5 years old. They are taken to the park every morning in the car. When they know they are being taken out they continuously bark repetitively until they leave the house, and when they get in the car they continue to bark right up until they get to the...
  15. niamh_cass

    Cocker Spaniel Sick Puppy Advice

    Hi Everyone, On the 5th of April we introduced a Cocker Spaniel puppy 'Tommy' into our family. I've grew up with Springer Spaniels and a Cavalier King Charles. This is my first Cocker Spaniel, I know they are renowned for being active, but Tommy was quite the opposite very subdued and barely...
  16. TACdog

    Not following a treat...

    Hi all Newbie on the site, but hoping the wealth of members experience can help me solve a small problem... My dog is a young JRT cross from a rescue centre and thus far she's shown great aptitude for training. The trouble is now that she's second-guessing and jumping the gun before a clear...
  17. Op1990

    Training naughty puppy while naughty toddler is around.

    Hi everyone I'm not sure this is the right place to be posting this so apologies if not. I've recently bought a jack russel puppy who now is currently 11 weeks old, we all love him to pieces but I'm finding it very difficult to try and train him and keep him out of trouble as I've also got a 2...
  18. A

    Puppy Socialisation

    In the past I have owned 5 dogs who were rescues, the last one passed away a few years ago and I've recently got a new puppy. since my last dog passed away I've had bad experiences with friends dogs that I've looked after who are completely unsocialised with other dogs, it was a nightmare to...
  19. P

    Raising a puppy in a flat and working shifts. Need advice

    I'd like to get a puppy and I'm doing a lot of research into how to raise them and what they need etc, but I'm a bit concerned as to whether it would be more difficult considering my circumstances. I live in a first floor flat with balcony, by myself and work early morning shifts (leave at 3am...
  20. L

    Training help

    Hi we have a new rescue dog collie/German Shepard who’s 4yrs old, he has settled in well but we are having an issue with training, he is very easily distracted we are trying to train watch me to hold his attention, he has learnt the command and will watch me if I hold the treat under my eyes. He...