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  1. L

    Some Videos Of Sienna

    Sienna's a beautiful dog, lesley, i can really see how you must be overjoyed with her progress. i dont think you can judge someones decision to stick by their dog and keep fighting with them, until your in that position youself.. Hope she gets to run again and have a great quality of life...
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    This Morning - A Revelation!!!!!!!!&#3

    she is beautiful ! it must have been amazing to watch her suddenly run..fantastic :)
  3. L

    Poppys First Walk

    What a happy whippet girl she is now, im so glad you have her !!
  4. L


    Hope phoebe is ok and feeling much better :luck:
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    "mrs" Richard Madeley C4

    I agree that Richard is a fool but you know.. a sorta lovable you love to laugh at him ..but you do know ive seen some of your slightly off kilter anti this anti that posts before and well i thought i might direct you to a little light reading.. Research by US psychologists suggests...
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    "mrs" Richard Madeley C4

    i think richard and judy are weirdly entertaining and you should leave him alone,in fact they seem to morph into each other as the years go by..stop being so homophobic stormydog.. 8)
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    "mrs" Richard Madeley C4

    "...."A WALKER OF CADBURYS LANE"..." what is this????
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    Zorro Henrietta And Moss

    Brilliant pictures :thumbsup:
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    Our Tilly, Loss Of An Oldie

    so sorry , looks like she had a great life though :huggles:
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    I Found The Cutest Doggy-kitty Video Ever...

    thats so cute :wub:
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    How About An Ears Comp?

    Double trouble 8)
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    Two Whippet Pups

    I have 8 month old brother and sister whippets, and it has been hard work to say the least :sweating: i have questioned my sanity on the decision to get 2 a few times but i wouldnt be without either of them now.i cant imagine seperating them completely, just cant see how its possible. theyre...
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    we've had a bosch for about 5 years now , payed about 400 quid i think..would definitely recommend :thumbsup:
  14. L

    Our Walk In The Sunshine Today....

    is it oscar standing alone in the woods looking very regal ? he's such a good looking boy ..great pics :thumbsup:
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    Only Four More Sleeps

    what a cutie !!! :wub:
  16. L

    Dobé And Fiebe At The Beach (!!)

    brilliant pictures of gorgeous whippets, really enjoyed them. :thumbsup:
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    For Melanie..

    wow ! what a striking fella..i like that breed but only seen the white ones.. really lovely.
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    if this links works it has some decent photos and treatment articles dont know if this is clickable
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    Raised Feeding Bowls??

    i think the jurys out on whether elevated bowls protect against bloat. I do have them and my 6 year old eats from one but a few weeks ago my 7 month old pup was eating from one and his belly swelled to the size of a balloon, he was crying and stood rigid and his neck was craned around staring...
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    Wet Muddy Fields

    love you pic of Teasel in the puddle half 'in shake' ....such happy dogs :)