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  1. Lisa S

    Intermittent Limping

    Hi, I wonder if anyone has any idease please? my boy is five and a half and he limps on his left intermittently. He has done it on and off for quite a while now and I am wondering if he has a bit of arthirits in his shoulder but surely he would be too young for that? He can get up on a morning...
  2. Lisa S

    My Cow Boy

    well we have had him a few weeks now and little Paddy is still as good as gold so here are a few photos.... will I really grow as big as that?
  3. Lisa S

    Paddy Power

    This is our new addition Benuga Paddy Power thanks to Patrick (masta) on here for letting us have him. He is such a lovely little character and I cannot really believe how good he is - he is just about house trained (just had a couple of accidents in the house), he sits beautifully and gives his...
  4. Lisa S

    Treated Like Muck

    Well if I didn't previously realise that I am bottom of our pack then I certainly do now...... my OH, me and our boy went for a nice walk to the park and jambo had a poo so as usual I bent down to pick it up and the little sod did that back heel thing and actually kicked grass and mud in my face...
  5. Lisa S

    Prey Drive

    Hi, sorry if I am being a bit thick but do you think there such a thing as a whippet with a low\no prey drive? i.e. if you breed non working or showing only dogs does this lessen the prey drive or do you think they are born with it? I would love another whippet but my boy's prey drive is pretty...
  6. Lisa S


    Hi, I have never used this before and wondered what the best way to administer is? Is it best to put it into food or try to get it straight into his mouth via the syringe? Does it matter from an effectiveness point of view whether they get in food or directly into the mouth? Also, can you use...
  7. Lisa S

    Cat Attack

    Well I must say that I thought I had thought of every possible danger when walking my dog and couldn't get any more paranoid about what can happen when it did this morning! We were happily walking down a street and my dog was sniffing at a hedge as he does when suddenly 2 cats flew out of this...
  8. Lisa S


    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone gets static when taking off their dogs coats that have fleece linings? He also has a snuggle bed which he adores but when he gets in or out I can actually see sparks if it is during the night :blink: . I also got to wondering if this makes him itch in his...
  9. Lisa S

    Tennis Balls

    My boy will play for ages in the garden either with a football or his beloved rubber chicken :wub: but will not entertain a tennis ball. I would love to take one out with us so that he can get a bit more exercise running for a ball but if I throw one he may run after it a couple of times...
  10. Lisa S

    Unsung Heroe

    This morning when out for our morning walk we came across the man emptying the poo bin (I usually gip just opening the lid :x to put something in) so I felt obliged to tell him what a good job he was doing. So he tells me that it is not really his job as the 'man with the van' should really...
  11. Lisa S

    Sore Nose

    I have just bought a basketball for my boy and he absolutley LOVES it (bit obsessed really) I think it may be because it is orange but there is something very special about this ball as he loves me to kick it and runs after it but then he likes to amuse himself by rolling it with his nose and...
  12. Lisa S


    Now, my OH accuses me of indulging my boy Jambo (yes really ;) ) and he thinks it is simply outrageous that I put his blanket in the tumble dryer to make it nice and warm as he LOVES to be wrapped up in it when it is cold. I said that I think this is quite normal behaviour but he says that...
  13. Lisa S

    Agressive Dog

    We walk Jambo down our local fields and a couple of months he got into a fight with a pointer dog which to be fair was a bit of both but was fairly nasty as the other dog bit right through a double thickness leather collar that Jambo was wearing so it meant business and definately came out on...
  14. Lisa S

    Running For The Hell Of It

    My boy Jambo does not often run just for the hell of it - the lazy lump only runs if I throw his rubber chicken, kick a football or if there is a dog he fancies playing with. But this afternoon we started walking through the long grass and he just started to run for the sheer joy of it which was...
  15. Lisa S

    Business On Demand

    I saw a first for me the other day... we were just coming out of the park and there was a man walking in with a collie. the dog was off its lead so I am muttering under my breath about the busy road and how dangerous it is to have his dog off the lead in town until I looked at the dog who had...
  16. Lisa S

    Rain Rain Go Away

    It has been spitting with rain all of this morning.... Jambo hates the rain with a passion :angry: but I was suprised that I got him half way down the road before he stopped dead and refused to go any further but of course he is still full of energy when we get back so we went into the...
  17. Lisa S


    I took my boy out yesterday for a quick walk which turned into well over 2 hours of path and park walking. Whilst out without much better to think about, it occured to me that he pees all of the time and something always comes out even if only a tiny drop. So I am working out that if we were out...
  18. Lisa S

    Iron Deficiency?

    Hi, can dogs be deficient in iron? My boy has recently started to dig (more than normal) quite deep holes in the garden and then put his nose right in and seems to be licking the soil and he also licks iron things. i sometimes give him liver bites as a treat which he absolutley loves but I can't...
  19. Lisa S

    Brain Training

    Hi, I wonder if anyone has any ideas on good books or toys that I could get? My boy does seem to get rather bored at times regardless of how many different walks he gets (he tries to discover new walks for himself), he plays with other dogs and I spend a lot of time playing with him but instead...
  20. Lisa S

    Entire Dogs

    Hi, I wonder if those of you with entire males could share any experience of this please? My boy is 2 and a half and entire and recently it seems that every time I take him out that a dog goes for him, just yesterday I had to kick a terrier off his back :rant: I am at a loss as to why this...